Chapter 9

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*Hayes' POV*

The past few days have been a bit obnoxious. I say that cause I have a feeling Andy is still mad at me. She has been spending most of her time with Matt. The only time I get to spend with her is when we're all hanging out together. No time alone together, none. But today is different. I'm finally 15. It's off to a great start. Andy got everyone together and they all barged into my room and screamed "Happy birthday!" at the top of their lungs. My mom made the most amazing birthday breakfast ever. All the guys are preparing my birthday bash out back. Ever since I turned 12 I've wanted to have bigger parties, not just "Birthday parties." So since then my dad and my mom throw me a birthday bash. This years will be the biggest one yet. My past parties are big, 30-50ish people come. But this year, since it's probably my last, It's gonna be the biggest. I booked a DJ, and I hear she's really good. We're having a Japanese steak house cater, and my dad is renting out half the lake for a private party. The Jacks, Shawn and my good friend Jacob are performing, I might've even convinced Andy and Adri to perform too. I was even told that over 70 people are coming.A bunch of friends from school, Will flew in last night with his girlfriend, Some of my family friends, All the guys including Aaron and Taylor who just got here, my entire family (Aunts,Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpas, cousins, etc), and Adri and Andy with her family will be there. This years bash is gonna blow all parties out of the water. I put in every penny I ever saved into this party. This was going to be good.

It was about 4 when Nash came in to let me know that the party decor was all set up, and that Mahogany, the DJ, had just arrived. I  put on the limited edition vans Andy gave me and walked out of my room. I took one step out the door and a giggling Andy  popped out of no where, smiling like an idiot and wrapped her arms around my neck. She was so cute and her smile made me happy.  I smiled and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey ,birthday boy. How's it feel?" She whispered to me as she tucked her head under my chin. "I'm 15. Don't really feel any different." She giggled against my chest, and looked up at me with her big brown eyes. I just stared back down at her with a small grin on my face. I really did care about her. She's more than just a friend to me, she was my sunshine.
She is the main reason I smile. She genuinely makes me happy and she makes me love life. She knows me better than I know myself, and I think I might love her. And knowing she'll never feel the same kills me in every way possible. Nothing on earth hurts more than knowing my one true match doesn't love me as more than a friend, or a brother. "I love you" I sigh. "I love you too. So much, You don'y even know." I pull her in for one more hug and hold her tightly. She pulls away and steps on her toes and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. I close my eyes. She finally releases my neck and walks off to Matt's room. Just a friendly kiss, that's all it was. If only it was real.

*Matt's POV*

Andy walked into my room smiling her glorious smile. She closed the door behind her and then she jumped onto the bed and stretched out next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. She wouldn't stop smiling. I guess I smiled a really goofy smile cause she started giggling .I shifted onto to my side so I look into her eyes. Out of consciousness I wrapped my arm around her, and pulled her close to my body. She let out a small laugh and she wrapped her short arms around me. We stayed in that comfortable position in silence for long time. This had been the most comfortable silence I've ever sat through. She was so small and this was the closest we've ever been, literally. Our feet entangled with each other. Her head was tucked in between my shoulder, my chest, and my chin. "I like you, Matt." She whispered into my chest. Just those words made my heart race. She must've been nervous because she refused to show her face. "I like you too, Andy." I said pulling her chin up so I could look at her big puppy dog eyes. She looked so perfect there so I thought maybe I should make the first move. Then me being the stupid person i was I leaned in and kissed her forehead. Without a moment of hesitation she shot up into sitting position. I sat up right after her to apologize. I've known her for a little over a week and I already made a move. I already want to kiss her. She just told me she likes me and this is how I react. " I'm sorry-" she cut me off by leaning in and putting her soft lips against mine. She grabbed my neck, and I immediately cupped her face.  It was a really soft and smooth kiss. There was nothing big to it, besides all the explosions going on. And then, just as soon as the kiss began it ended. She quickly pulled away from me and stood up. She looked almost embarrassed. I stood up quickly and walked right after her. She could barely look at me.  I hugged  her. "I'm sorry." was all she was able to say. I was worried she would start crying so I spoke up. "Its okay,  I started it." "It won't happen again if you don't want." I wanted to let her know that 'No! I want you to kiss me. I want to kiss you. I want to hold you and lay down with you and plant small kisses on your forehead and your cheek! I want you to let me love you.' The only way I could've of thought to express all of that is to kiss her. So I placed my thumb on her chin and my finger beneath it; forcing her eyes up to mine. I closed my eyes and pulled her lips up to mine. She went onto her toes and placed her hands on the back of my head, in my hair. I lowered my hands down to her waist to pull her closer, and to deepen the kiss. To make it easier on her I lifted her up and put her back down on the desk. I started slowing down and then i pulled away from her. "I don't mind." I whispered in her ear. She bit her lip and looked away from me. I hugged her and kissed her forehead again, this time she didn't turn away. I removed my lips from her skin and looked down at her. "We should get going. Hayes' party is starting soon." She nodded and I helped her down form the desk and we walked out the door.

We walked out the back door and headed towards all the tables and the stage where Mahogany was setting up. All the tables were set up with name tags. Andy was a completely different table with Hayes, Nash and Will and their families. She waved bye and walked over to her table and hugged her mom. She greeted Will with a silly face and he replied with just as weird face. Then he hugged her. She sat down in honorary seat next to Hayes. She starts laughing at a joke Mr.Chad says. It almost seems as if she's forgotten what just happened up in the room. People started arriving and finding their seats. I was sat at a table with, Shawn, Jack J a new guy named Jacob, and Aaron. The table right next to us was Cam, Adri, Jack G, Carter, and Taylor. And all around us were Hayes' football buddies, and classmates. Everyone was dressed about the same. All the girls were in booty shorts, and the guys in khaki shorts. We were all planning on going into the lake so i Immediately changed and motioned over so Carter and Cam would come with me. We walked over to the lake, and soon everyone joined in. We all ran in and played around. Next thing you know the DJ's music blasts through the speakers as all the teens make their way into the lake.Adri and Andy run in. Andy and Adri where wearing bikinis that seemed to be identical. Cam and I made our way over to them through the thick crowd. Andy wasn't wearing her glasses so she looked almost identical to Adri. She covered her face so I said, "Why are you covering your beautiful face?" "I'm not wearing my glasses, I look like a troll." this time it was Cam who responded. "No you don't, you look gorgeous! Now come on lets go in." She removed her hands and smiled up at Cam. Not at me, Cam. He stretched his hand out to her, and she took it. SHE TOOK IT! She took his hand and not mine. He, Andy, and Adri walked in a chain to the deeper end, while i just trailed behind them. Cameron suggested a chicken fight. We attracted a big crowd and soon enough everyone was chanting "FIGHT!" I looked at Andy and motioned her to hop on. "I-I don't know Matt, I'm not so light. I don't want to hurt you." I chuckled. "I don't break so easily....C'mon." She gave in and climbed onto my shoulders. I was taller than Cam so I'm guessing we had an advantage.  Then Carter said "andddd, FIGHT!" and Andy and Adri went at each other. Next thing I knew Adri was in the water and Andy was cheering. She hopped off my shoulders and hugged me. Then Hayes LITERALLY came out of no where and tackled Andy into the water. She came up breathless and screamed. She grabbed him by his shoulders and flipped him over. She dunked him down, but it back fired. He got onto her back and started shoving her under. She shrieked and flipped him off her. They went at each other for a good two minuets until Andy was gasping for air. "Oka-Okay HAYES! You win, Just let me breath!!".

*Jack G's. POV*

"HEY GUYS! What is up? It's your DJ for tonight's bash, Mahogany Lox! And I ask that you guys make your way up to the dance floor. Tonight we have a bunch of great music planned for y'all! We have a bunch of performers here for you tonight and A LOT of food. So come on up and enjoy your night! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR HOST TONIGHT, HAYES GRIER!" Everyone yells happy birthday to Hayes and we all walk out of the lake. I run out to get  towels for Andy and I. I give her a towel "Thanks." she says and wraps herself up in it. I grab her hand and pull her with me to the dance floor. She laughs and follows me. We start dancing in our bathing suits knowing sooner or later more people would join in, and I was right. Seconds later all the guys were up and Adri was teaching them a thing or two. Cam kept flirting with her and I could see the lines of stress and anger forming on Shawn's face.Cam would place his hands on Adri's hips and she would sway them, attempting to teach Cam how to dance salsa. "So Andy, do you dance?" She looked offended and walked to Adri. "He just asked me if I can dance?" Adri scoffed and walked to the DJ table. Lox gave her a thumbs up and Adri joined Andy. She looked at us and spoke up, "Step aside, boys." A Daddy Yankee song went on over the speakers and they worked it. If it were anybody else or with any different type of music, it be considered dirty dancing. A bunch of random guys were howling like animals angering Nash and Hayes. Then the girls walked up to two different guys and pulled them to dance with them. Andy grabbed Carter, and Adri pulled Jack J. They began teaching them simple steps. Carter pretty much gave up so I took his place. I already knew how to dance so it was pretty much me trying to keep up with her and in the end it was her trying to keep up with me. "You never told me you danced!" She exclaimed. "I could say the same about you!"

Over all it was a great party. Shawn performed his heart out, to Adri, and she didn't even notice. Jacob sang his covers and left the party to catch his flight in time. Andy and Adri sang and then Jack I did our songs. We danced and sang and partied. Mahogany finished her DJing and everybody started exiting the building. This party would be considered a success.

EDITED! This took so long to edit. Give me some feedback and give it a vote:) 

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