the hot werewolfs!!!

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Aleeyas Pov:

As i ran through the forest  my white fur was swaying after running for about 45 minutes i was not even tired but it was becoming dark so i decided to rest under a massive weeping willow tree.While i was drifting into a deep sleep i heard a twig snap but i wasn't suprised i just opened one eye and saw...

A grey werewolf with black eyes,a black werewolf with gold eyes,a maroon werewolf with grey eyes,a black and white werewolf with blue eye and a brown werewolf with green eyes.They all looked at me with confused eyes "what?" i asked after a few minutes the black wolf (which seemed like he was the alpha) finally said through mind link "what are you doing in our territory?" "I'm not in your territory I'm 3 steps away" i answered back he looked like he was going to blow up.After a few moments with utter silent i closed my eye again and went to sleep i could hear them go behind some trees and shift into their human forms."Excuse me miss" said the i think maroon one but i didn't answer then the black one spoke once again "EXCUSE ME!" i opened my eyes and said "cant anyone get some decent sleep around here" then i yawned.I got up and started stretching "why are you in our territory?" asked the alpha once again i answered back saying "even though I'm not in your territory ill tell you..."

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