Chapter III

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Taylor rang the doorbell, and a girl Jamie's age opened the door. She assumed it was his friend.

"AJ? Who's at the door?" a voice called from inside the house. It sounded vaguely familiar.

"It's Jamie! And... Some other girl!" she replied.

"I'm his sister, Taylor."

"Oh. IT'S HIS SISTER!" the girl-AJ?-practically screamed.

"They came come in!" the voice yelled back.

"C'mon, Jamie! Let's go to my room!" AJ grabbed Jamie by the wrist and they ran off into the house.

"You can come in, you know, 'Jamie's sister'." she walked in, and realized why the voice had sounded so familiar.

It belonged to Morgan.

<3 <3 <3 <3

"Least you got shoes on this time, huh?"

Taylor had been sitting in the same room with Morgan for a little over an hour, not even looking at him the entire time. But now, she turned toward him, putting her hands on her hips, and glared at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't talk to me."


She avoided the question, looking at the clock. "Why don't I leave as Jamie can call when he's ready for me to pick him up. If he doesn't call, I'm picking him up around 7:00."

"Oh, come on. You can't leave just yet! We were startin' to have some fun there!"

"Sure we were." she rolled her eyes and headed for the door. "Tell Jamie I'll be here at 7:00 if he doesn't call."

"Whatever." he swatted the air and turned around, and Taylor headed out the door.

<3 <3 <3

On the ride home, all Taylor could think about was Morgan. She hadn't even realized that he had a British accent until this afternoon. She thought she hated him, but there was something about him that made her wonder if that was true.


Hey guys! Told you I'd have another chapter up tonight! I'm gonna shoot for four chapters, but I'm not sure. I can tell you right now, though, that there's only eleven chapters, an they're all pretty short. Let's hope I an get Chapter IV up tonight!

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