Chapter VII

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"What is with that guy?"

""Who knows. I don't even know if he knows."

Taylor and Charlie were walking aimlessly the through the mall, and none of the other girls had followed them when they left. No, they'd rather stay with Morgan and Nathan.

Charlie laughed, throwing her head back.

"What's with you?" Taylor asked her. "You've had a mix of emotions all day!"

"What do you think?" she giggled.

Taylor sighed. "That time?"

"Uh, duh!"

"Sounds about right."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

This time it was Taylor who laughed.

"Now what?"

"Nothing!" she laughed harder.

"That time for you, too?"

"NO!!!" she came so close to screaming it.

They were both laughing now, and Taylor had laughed so hard her stomach hurt.

"Taylor! Charlie!" the voice came for behind them, and Taylor turned around to find it was Kiki. Emma and Abby were with her, too, but the worst part as that Nathan and Morgan had decided to tag along.

"What?!" Charlie turned on her heel to face them.

"What was that whole 'storming out' thing about?" Abby asked, her arms crossed. An eyebrow raised, her aquamarine-colored eyes looked like they were different sizes. The right seemed bigger than the left. Some of her copper hair was falling out of her ponytail, but she didn't seem to care. She just stood there and watched them.

"He's a jerk!" Charlie pointed at Morgan.

"Yeah, but he's a cute jerk." Emma added, her chocolate eyes sparkling.

"Thanks," Morgan nudged Emma with his elbow.

"I think Charlie's more accurate." Taylor retorted, "I mean, you have to keep in mind, I'm the only !me who actually knows him."

"What about me?!" Nathan held his arms outward.

"Really, Nathan? You really wanna argue with me right now? Right here?"

"Maybe..." she glared at him. "Not?"

"Mmm hmm. That's what I thought."

Although Nathan was good at pranking and tricking, Taylor was better at debating, and won every fight they got into.

"You know, Taylor, I never noticed this before, but you're cute when you're mad." Morgan smirked.

"Oh, really? Well, then, I must be absolutely adorable right now."

He laughed. LAUGHED! What was with this guy?

"Right," Abby said, "Well, I guess we're gonna leave now. C'mon guys." she took Kiki and Emma by their arms and left.

"What?! Don't you dare leave me here with him!" Charlie ran after them.

"Alright... I'm just gonna go..." Nathan backed away slowly, the took off running.

"Hi." Morgan smiled, moving closer to her.

"I don't like you."

"I know," he shrugged.

"No, seriously, I hate you."

"Yeah, that's what they all say."


"All the girls that eventually fall in live with me, not that I've ever fallen in love with any if them. Yet."

"Right. Sure." her voice gut quieter and started to shake. He leaned in closer.

"No, really." his eyes sparkled. Was it weird she liked that? He leaned in even closer, and just as they were about to kiss...


Cliffhanger!!! You probably hate me, don't you? Anyway, what do you think is gong to stop them from kissing? Who knows, I might make you wait until tomorrow before I make chapter eight public. Hmm... Not a bad idea...

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