Chapter IX

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The next day they were sunbathing in Taylor's balcony (as most rich girls do together, they supposed).

"Hey, Taylor?" Emma asked, her olive skin stood out among the girls, and her gorgeous silk-black hair shone in the sunlight.

"Yeah?" Taylor replied, not looking up.

"What's going on between you and that Morgan dude?"

"What do you mean?"

"Um, you guys totally have a love-hate relationship."


"C'mon, Taylor, it's totally obvious." Abby added.

"Guys, I hate him!"

"For now..." Charlie raised an eyebrow. "But soon you'll be kissing, like you almost were yesterday."

There's that word again.


"Wait... WHAT?!" Taylor's heart was pounding faster than a cheetah runs.

"Really, Taylor, you didn't think I saw you guys before I called you?"

"Okay, look, it was a one-time thing. It was him, not me. I assure you, I do not, and will never, love him."

"Sure you won't, Tay. Sure you won't."

<3 <3 <3

Taylor was sitting on the rail of her balcony that night, watching the Eiffel Tower light up under the starry might sky. It was a full moon tonight.

Suddenly she heard a voice behind her. "Hey."

She turned around to see Morgan. "Hey..." She smiled, then... giggled?

He came up to the edge of the balcony and leaned against the railing, palms on the ledge, facing the Eiffel Tower. "Nice view."

"Yeah." she sighed.

He looked at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing." he got up on the railing and sat next to her. She wasn't even wondering how he got into her room let alone her house.

"Then... What're you... What're you doing?"

He leaned in, putting his hand on her cheek.

And them they kissed.


<3 <3 <3

Taylor jerked awake, panting hard.

It was all a dream.

She just couldn't believe that she had had a dream where she and Morgan kissed.

Well, almost.



Hey, people! I'm ALMOST finished! (See what I did there? lol) There's only two chapters left, bit I'm thinking of making a sequel. Anyway... NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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