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Errors P.o.V
Me and Inky have been married for 5 years now and it's been the best 5 years of my life, I had to get over my fear of touch though because 1 he loves to cuddle and crap and 2 he had a 2 year old son when we meet. The kids name is palette and yeah he's from another relationship but I don't care he is great and fun, that was 5 years ago and Palette is now 7 And has a younger brother named Paperjam and he is 2 years old. Speaking of the kids all of us are on the couch watching some kids show I really don't care I zoned out at the beginning and so did PJ (no one calls Paperjam by his name I can him PJ and Inky calls him Jammy) he fell asleep......cuddling me. I looks down at Palette and he looks so intrigued he is sitting next to me smiling and giggling.....fuck is he ever adorable, oh yeah you're probably wondering where Inky is he is out with the star sanses probably protecting the A.Us or some shit.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
I came home from protecting A.Us and see my husband and two kids passed out on the couch with the T.V on Palettes favourite channel, I smile and walk over to them picking Jammy up trying not to wake him up as I carry him to his room laying him down in his crib. I walk back downstairs to the couch and pick Palette up and walk to his room laying him down on his bed tucking him in, I wake back downstairs and grab the T.V remote turning it to (insert T.V show)I sit next to Error pulling a soft blanket over us leaning on him.
~~~~time skip again~~~~
After about 7 episodes Error finally wakes up he looks around probably confused and looks down at me.
"*yawn* Inky?" He sounds very tired.
"Hi babe how was your nap?"
"Good......where are the kids?"
"In their rooms, you all were asleep when I came home so I put them to bed"
"What time is it?"
I look at the clock.
" you think they are going to get up for dinner?  And are you even hungry?"
"Nope And Nope wanna just head to bed?"
"Sure...........I don't want to move"
" too.......wanna sleep on the couch?"
He smiles and rolls his eyes cuddling me as I cuddle back smiling closing my eyes slowly falling asleep as he does the same.


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