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Hello my friends before we start this, this story was requested? Um idk what to call it but ColorGuard2021 inspired this? Requested? IDK OKAY JUST THANK THEM FOR THIS

Dream P.o.V
I don't get it, why did he chose that glitchy a$$hole over me I mean I LOVED Ink I'm the father of HIS FRICKING CHILD BUT NOOOO HE LOVES ERROR. Ink invited me and Blue to his wedding.....his and ERRORS wedding,I still can't believe how oblivious he is, yes we both agreed that we worked best as friends and I didn't know he was pregnant till after we broke up, I wanted to get back together for the kid but we later ended up deciding that it would be best if we weren't because one if we had to go out fighting who would watch him and two he doesn't love me. ANYWAYS I got off topic.
I finished getting ready for his wedding, I'm his best man I walk to my car and drive down to the river side (it was Inks decision).
~~~time skip~~~
I had to watch them kiss.....I hate it INK SHOULD BE MINE AND ONLY MINE HE HAS A DAMN KID WITH ME NOT WITH ERROR WITH ME, DREAM. Sorry lost track again where am I now? You are asking well I am at Inks.....and Errors house with Palette MY SON in my lap cuddling up to my chest asleep. Me and Ink are talking with each other as I glare at Error.

Inks P.o.V
I'm grabbing some champagne for me, Error, Dream and Blue, I walk out back into the living room handing the glasses to everyone, Error smiles and kisses my cheek, thanking me as I sit down next to him. We all chatted the night away, Dream just glared at Error though, I wish they could just get along but it's to much to ask for I guess. After a while Blue left to go back home and so did Dream, handing me Palette. Error looked at me and smiled picking Palette up and going to put him to bed telling to go get changed and go to bed.....I did exactly that and he joined me in bed a bit later cuddling up to me as i hide my face near his ribs taking in the scent of my new husband.


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