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Ink P.o.V
I woke up to my alarm and rolled over, groaning and turning it off. I suddenly feel violently ill, getting up and making a quick dash to the bathroom throwing up yesterday's lunch and dinner. I stand up between vomiting and grab a face cloth wiping the strands of vomit off my face before proceeding to vomit the rest up leaving a horrid, acidic taste left in my mouth. I whimper and lean against the wall, holding the cloth to my mouth hoping to stop the emptying of my stomach. Error casually walks in and just stares at me then the puke filled toilet then back to me his face going from his resting face to a face of panic and worry. Before I can even speak a word he lifts me up bridal style carrying me to bed, he roughly throws me onto the bed and pulling all the blankets over me before running out to get Science Sans I presume, more commonly known as Sci.

~~~time skip~~~

Error was sitting next to me on the bed waiting for sci to give us the answers as to what the hell I have and if it's deadly. He suddenly runs into mine and errors room a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Hm? What is it Sci? Why are you so...happy?" Error asked not as scared as he once was, nether was I. Sci didn't even respond verbally as he throws his clip broad to me and Error, Error is the first to grab it and read,keeping it out of my sight. His face drops and his jaw gapes open, I grow more confused and snatch the broad out of his hands reading what he read.

I'm pregnant.

My jaw also drops as I keep rereading if not believing it, it's not that I don't want I child I really do! Just I didn't think I would get pregnant two weeks after our wedding day. I am snapped out of my thoughts as error hugged me and Sci takes the broad from me, I hug error back as Sci smiles.

"Well congratulations you two." Sci says, me and error let go of each other as Sci checks the time sighing. We all say goodbye and Sci leaves, me and error just cuddle together so happy that we will have a child together.

I know the ending seems rushed and this is short but I just really wanted to get something out for you guys. So you also know if there is any spelling errors or anything I don't proof read anything and I write this in my phones nuotebook. Sides from that have a happy Easter and have a amazing day you beautiful humans. KODA OUT!

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