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Hello! I just wanted to say thank you to those people that actually care enough to comment and tell me if they like it or not. If you like a certain part, you can also tell me that. I don't know, but it makes my day to know that people like you actually like to read this book. I may not be the best writer, but it's nice to know you guys think so. :-) Anyways, carry along.

                                                                      Luke's Pov

When I walked down the hallways of high school I felt m stomach turning, probably because of being nervous to going to the principles office. When I got in there though, nobody was there. I sighed knowing that I'd have to wait here. When I was about to sit down in one of the chairs though, the princable walked inside of the room. I stood up straight, trying to look like I'm not a bad kid even though everyone else in this school thinks that I am.

"Oh, Hello Lucas. What are you doing here," he asked me as he took a seat at his desk.

I shrugged and sat in the seat across from him,"I got into a fight."

"What about?"

"Sexuality," I whispered loud enough for him to here. I heard him sigh, and I watched as he stood up. 

Then, he began talking to me," Look, Luke.. I know that right now you think that you like guys, but it's just a faze. Trust me, I went through it when I was younger too and now I'm married to the most beautiful wife that I would've ever dreamed of when I was your age, and I have two daughters. You just need to go out more, try asking a girl out. I'm sure that whatever girl you ask will say yes, I mean.. look at you. You could probably get any girl in this school to date you," he said and then sat down. 

I looked down, playing with my hands and nodded a little, " I guess I could give that a try." 

"You're lucky that I know what you're going through Luke. Just know that I'm here for you. I still have to give you a detention though, sorry."

"I get it," I looked back up at him,"Thank you."

"Of course," he said while he took out a detention slip and started writing on it. When he handed me the slip I took it and then walked out of the room.  I looked down at the slip that said that I had two detentions. I sighed to myself,then looked up in front of me. 'I'm going to change.. Luke Hemmings it going to change. He is not going to be some guy that people pick on all the time anymore. I'm done with that.' 

I made it to my locker as people started walking out of the classrooms. Then, I took out my schedule for a minute so that I could see what was next. Lunch. I mentally sighed, while putting my things away in my locker and grabbing my lunch card. As soon as I had my lunch card in my hand I closed my locker door and started walking to the cafeteria. When I got there though, nobody was there yet so I quickly got to the food area and got what I wanted. When I finished I went to the check out area and scanned my card. 

When I finished, I ran out of the lunch room before anyone could know where I was going. Then, I looked around and when I saw nobody I walked into the bathroom. Finally, I hurried into the huge stall, sat on the ground against the wall with my legs out. Putting my tray on my lap, I took a bite of the pizza I had gotten. God, I love pizza. 

That's when I heard a door close, signalling that someone else was in the bathroom too. I gulped and covered my mouth so that the person couldn't hear myself breathing. That's when my body acted up and I sneezed. 'Shit' I thought to myself. I heard footsteps go into the small stall beside me. I let out a deep breath by accident. Putting my hands in my face trying to block it out. 

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