Chapter 11

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"Happy, the craziest thing just happened to us. The guys are robbing an atm with these high tech-"

Spiderman and I were going to our alley where we kept our stuff. I heard Happy talk on the other end of the phone line. 

"Wait, wait, moving? Who's moving?" he asked as we jumped to another building.

"You never told me you were moving," Spidey said, covering the phone with his hand.

"But what about me?" he asked Happy on the phone, "I mean, what if Mr Stark needs me or something or, I don't know, something big goes down. Look, can I just speak to Mr Stark?"

We jumped down into our little alleyway as Spiderman removed his mask.

"I am responsible! I- oh crap. Backpack's gone." It really was gone. Mine however was still in it's original place, "I'll call you back." 

Peter hung up and sighed.  

"Why didn't you tell me you are moving?" he asked me.

"Technically, I'm not moving. My parents and brother are moving here in a couple of days, while Tony is moving upstate," I said as I put on my backpack.

"Whatever, let's just go," he replied.


 Peter opened his bedroom's window and entered silently. He crawled on the ceiling and he webbed the door shut. I entered his room soundlessly and I landed on the floor, causing my thrusters to stop. Peter stepped on to the ground as I removed my goggles. He then turned to face me but as soon as he did, I heard a crash. 

"What was that?" I heard Aunt May from the other room. I turned my head to see Ned in shock.

"Ahh.. nothing, nothing." I quickly removed my gloves and a threw them onto the floor as Ned stood up from the bunkbed.

"You're the Spiderman and you're Ms Mystic," Ned said amazed, "from YouTube."

"No we're not-" said Peter as he took off his suit. Meanwhile, I took off my backpack and my hoodie.

"You were on the ceiling and you with your stuff." 

"Ned what are you doing in my room?"

"Well May let me into your room, you said we were going to finish the Death Star," Ned explained quickly.

"You can't just bust into my room." The door opened in one swift movement and I quickly handed Peter the hoodie I was holding. May entered the room laughing lightly as she fanned herself using a kitchen towel.

"That turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster," she said putting her hair down, "Let's go to dinner. Thai? Olivia, Ned?"

"Ned has a thing," intruded Peter. 

"Yeah, I have a thing to do after.." muttered Ned.

"I'll be happy to join," I said giving her a small smile. 

"Okay," she said, "Maybe put on some clothes."

She closed the door behind her.

"Ooh, she doesn't know," Ned uttered.

"Nobody knows Ned, except for Tony," I said, grabbing my stuff from the floor. At the same time, Peter put on a grey long-sleeved shirt.

"Mr Stark? Are you guys part of the Avengers?" Ned asked briskly.

Peter and I answered both at the same time. While I responded with a 'No', he responded with a 'sort of'. I looked at him in confusion. Ned rested against the bunkbeds .

Mysticly Unmystic// Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now