Chapter 19

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The Staten Island ferry. I never really cared for a ferry in my entire life but it so happened that this ferry would lead me to a near death experience. Trying to stop weapon dealers on a boat is not the most fun of an adventure because if something goes out of line, you might just end up completely and utterly dead. Especially if those dealers have access to alien weaponry. 

I was glad I wasn't doing this on my own and Peter joined me. On the way to the Staten Island Ferry, I thought of how lucky I was to have him as my partner in crime. I also thought of how if I was going to die, he would be there to die with me.

The whole ride there was quiet which was odd for us. We usually would joke about or talk about some cool science stuff but this time, both of us where in a world of our own. The silence between us wasn't awkward but it was mildly irritating.

We approached the ferry just before it left the harbour. Peter stuck to the ferry's side while I stood afloat in air next to him.

"Ok Karen, activate enhanced reconnaissance mode," he said as he peeped through the wide window.

"Sure thing," she replied. We could hear the two guys, one of them was one of the guys that was dealing with Aaron. The silver haired guy wasn't someone we were familiar with and he didn't have any criminal record according to B.

"Incoming call from May Parker," said Peters AI.

"Can't talk right now, I'll need to call her back later," he replied, "Hey droney, keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time."

The spider drone flew in between Spidey and I.      

"You should at least call May back, she might get worried about you," I whispered to him as we reached the ferry's roof.

"This is more important right now," he said, slightly annoyed with me.

"Okay," I mumbled to myself. Below us stood three suspicious looking men, all wearing dark clothes.

"Who's the guy on the left?" Peter asked. 

"Mac Gargan. Extensive criminal record including homicide. Would you like me to activate instant kill?" Karen asked.

"No, Karen. Stop it with the instant kill already," he exclaimed. Suddenly, that one guy we heard talking to silver haired guy walked up to the trio of criminals.

"White pick-up truck," he said simply. Spidey and I looked at each other in silence. The guy on the far right left the little meeting point.

"Droney, span the ship for a white pick-up truck," Spider Man said. On the corner of my goggles, I could see from the drone's point of view in x-ray vision. It scanned the whole ferry and it stopped once it reached a pick-up truck. The drone scanned the weapons and a guy wearing a blue dad snapback left the driver's seat and removed the weapons' covers.

"This is too perfect. They've got the weapons, the buyers and the sellers all in one place," Peter said.

"Incoming call from; lil dip shit. Shall I accept?" B asked.

"No, no, no, no-" I got cut off and suddenly Tony appeared on my goggles.

"Ms Lane-Stark, gotta sec?" he asked me.

"Actually, I'm busy with um," I literally had no excuse lined up, "Well look at that, I have a sec."

"What? Hey I need your help," Peter said.

"Is that Mr Parker in the background? I was gonna call him after this, so might as well put it on speaker phone," said Tony. 

"B, do the thing," I whispered.

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