Chapter 1

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I was about to come all over the place. I couldn't hold it off much longer.

I tried slowing down my thrusts and stopping a few times.

It usually worked but this time I could tell that it just wasn't happening. It had been weeks since I'd had any sort of sexual release. Since I had gotten home from my tour, actually.

I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me.

I wasn't blind. Girls definitely looked at me often so I considered myself a good looking man. I liked to think that I was good in bed too. If it was any indication, my name had been screamed in pleasure more times than I could count.

Oh...shit....Yes, that's it. Aw, fuck that feels good.

Any second now. Just. A. little. Faster. Harder.


My moan echoed around my bathroom as my hand slid up and down myself, causing my warm seed to cascade down my shaft mixing along with the shower water.


Finally, some blessed relief.

I'd had blue balls for what seemed like weeks now. I had already been with a handful of girls just since I had gotten home but I'd had to fake my orgasm because I hadn't been able to get off with any of them. I liked to think that it was because she wasn't tight enough, or attractive enough, or just good enough in bed.

But the problem was obviously me.

I just couldn't stop thinking about men and how it would be to fuck one.

And that seriously pissed me the fuck off. I was a ladies man, damnit. Not some fag.

I finished washing off, scrubbed myself clean because I always felt a little bit guilty and dirty after jerking off. With the plethora of girls at my beckon call I had prided myself on never having to relieve myself...because that's what they were for.

I learned that pride really does cometh before the fall.

I guessed that it was being around only my brothers in arms for so long that did this to me.

Needles to say, forced celibacy due to lack of women can cause a guy to look elsewhere for release. Or at least, it caused me to do that and I hoped that I wasn't alone with that.

I never did anything about it of course...well, not physically at least. Only in my mind.

Not like I could just not notice when I saw an eight pack out of GQ magazine and biceps the size of a mule's leg showering next to me everyday for two years.

I was only human after all.

I saw a lot of honed and perfected male anatomy: abs, v-lines, pecs and ass...

I took the towel and dried off, disgusted that I let my thoughts go there again. Those images seemed engrained into my mind now.

Two years of seeing those men...well maybe it would just take two years of seeing women again before I could kick this perversion...

I padded out of the bathroom and flopped down face first onto my bed. I decided that I needed help.

Something happened during those two years and I stepped over the thin little line to the crazy side. I didn't like the way things were now. I needed help. I needed to stop thinking about men in sexual ways.

It was driving me insane and I didn't know what to do about it.

Just as I decided that I would be miserable for the rest of my life because I would never actually act on my perverted feelings, my cell rang and I answered it without looking.


"Devon, it's Kyle. What's up man?"

Kyle was one of the guys that went into the Navy with me right out of high school. There were four of us and they had become naval officers while I had went on to become a SEAL, hoping to get into DEVGRU in the future. They had all been back home for about a week longer than I had.

"Hard dicks and airplanes, man. You?" I asked.

God, did I seriously just say that?

"It's good to talk to you, D. I'm glad you're back, it's been too long."

"Yeah, it's good to be back home for sure..." Not.

"Listen, are you getting into anything tonight? The guys are heading to a huge Halloween party at The Castle tonight. If you don't have any plans, you should come."

"The Castle?"

"It's a new club, opened about a year ago. I hear it's pretty sweet bro."

"Well you know me. I can't turn down a party."

"I figured you would say that. Look, the only thing is that you gotta wear a costume or you can't get in. Bring a girl if you want, I may even bring April."

Ug. Not April. Last time I saw her she tried to rape me, literally.

"I think I have a costume from a few years ago and I'll just pick a girl up at the party. So where and when?"

"We'll pick you up at ten, alright?"

"Cool bro, see ya then."

"Alright, D, later."

Now I just had to find my old costume and praythat I could get my mind off all of this shit.    

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