Chapter 4

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I never found a blood slave in this God forsaken town. I should have stayed in Europe. No one ever understood why I moved to North Carolina and I didn't know why now, either.

When Evangelina took Kade and left, I became the only vampire in the area.

Maybe I should have learned to like that.

I sat at the bar next to Tiff trying to drown my sorrows with shot after shot of vodka, but having the tolerance I had and being what I was, fifteen shots into it and I was just now feeling warm and a little bit happy.

The costumes these humans wore were ridiculous. I think Halloween was just an excuse for women to dress in as little as they could and get away with it.

If I was straight I wouldn't be complaining.

The mirror behind the bar was seriously pissing me off because every time I looked up to try and get the bartender's attention, I would see my reflection. Yes, I had a reflection.

I hated the way I looked though.

I hated being a vampire.

Tonight I let all my attributes show...making for an exceptional vampire costume, if I did say so myself.

I didn't have show my real fangs of course, because they wouldn't come out unless I found a compatible blood slave, but I had bought some pretty damn good looking ones that I slipped on over my canines.

My eyes reflected like lasers in the mirror and it was seriously obnoxious. Who wanted someone to point a red laser in their eyes every time they looked into the mirror?

Not me.

Not anyone.

But that's what I had to deal with.

Other than my eyes, I let as many tattoos show as I could and dressed comfortably in my black leather custom made pants, with black boots and a muscle t.

I brought sunglasses just in case I needed them in any case and they rested on my head.

The bartender wouldn't leave me alone either. Every time she came to refill my shot, her heart sped up and she bent over trying to show me her cleavage.

Ew. I was done with women. I had Evangeline to thank for that.

"Another shot," I mumbled, trying to sound as uninterested as I could.

"Coming right up, hunny!"

I groaned.

"Make that two!" Tiff screeched suddenly, appearing beside me.

I threw my shot back as soon as the bartender put it on the bar.

Yes! Just a handful more and I would be at least feeling it; which is what I desperately needed right now to deal with Tiff's presence.

Her friends must have abandoned her and left her at my mercy.

Damn them.

I stretched my back and was suddenly assaulted by a huge wave of someone's pheromones, other than Tiff's.

I figured it was probably the bartender's but when I glanced at her she was talking to the manager.

I glanced behind me to see what was going on and my eyes landed on a body I had only seen in magazines.

And I couldn't pull my eyes away from him even though I turned my head.

Moron, I scolded myself.

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