Chapter 2

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The sound of the tattoo gun always put me into a trance. I loved it. After my first tattoo I became addicted and thirty three tattoos later, here I am.

The adrenaline rushed through my veins making my muscles throb. I always needed some kind of release after I got new ink. Whether it was punching a wall or having a good fuck.

"What crazy situation are you getting yourself into after this one, Jake?" Tiff asked me, wiping the ink and blood off of my skin.

I grunted in answer. She talked way too much.

"My friends are going to a pretty big costume party at The should come, ya know?"

I snorted.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever. Be a dick, then. I tattoo you for free all the time and you never do shit for me. So either pay for your tatts or go to the party with me."

This time I sighed. Tiff had been eye fucking me since I walked into her shop eight years ago for my first tattoo. She didn't know that I could smell her arousal and sense other things that no human could, but even if I couldn't it was obvious to anyone in the room how bad she wanted me.

After eight years, I thought she finally accepted that the feeling was not mutual, but now I was having second thoughts.

Fucking hell!

I thought for sure that when I fucked her boyfriend in the bathroom it would have benefitted me. To my dismay, it only caused her to break up with the handsome fuck and come on to me harder.

Guilt nagged at me because I had been taking advantage of her feelings with these free tattoos for years.

And truly, I was not a dick.

Maybe a bastard, but not a dick.

Unfortunately, I liked dick.

But she didn't seem to get the picture.

"You're right, I'm an asshole. I'll come to your party."

She squealed with delight, pausing on the tattoo.

"All you have to do is dress up; we're meeting here at ten o' clock."

I didn't have to dress up, I could finally just be me, but of course I didn't tell her that. "Alright.."

She finished my tattoo and a half hour later I walked out with my thirty fourth tattoo. It was a badass tribal piece around my neck.

It hurt like a bitch though and my body was craving blood to replenish the little bit that it had lost.

Before I could quench that thirst though, I had to find a new blood slave because Kade, my lover of the last ten years, just decided that he was no longer gay and ran off with Evangelina, my evil ex-girlfriend.

I hadn't fed in over four weeks because I was so pissed at the world over this. But four weeks is a long time to go without blood, especially if I was going to be around so many people tonight.

My only problem was that I couldn't just drink from a random person because my fangs only came out for compatible mates.

If the person wasn't the right blood type or age, if they weren't healthy or did drugs, there were so many reasons why it was hard to find a blood slave.

Our species was becoming extinct because it was so difficult to find a blood slave. We had tried everything too, from transfusions to drinking blood from the bottle. It wouldn't stay down that way and it wasn't compatible with us.

And of course, my situation was much more complicated because I only wanted to be with a man....

I checked my watch and it was already eight pm. I had only two hours to search and find a compatible blood slave.


And my veins were humming with pent up adrenaline from the tattoo and unleashed testosterone from at least four weeks now...damn, I needed some kind of relief and I needed it badly.

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