Chapter 7

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We almost never got out of there. The Ninja Turtles caught us on the way to pick up our tab.

Luckily April was off somewhere with Kyle again, so I didn't have to deal with her.

However, Joy knew that Jake and I were pretty into each other and she wouldn't stop teasing us about it.

I played it off like she was an idiot and pretty much walked off on her. She didn't like that very much, but I did what I had to do.

Surely no one believed that I was gay.

I followed Jake out to his bike.

"Here's an extra helmet," Jake offered.

I grabbed the black helmet with the skull and crossbones on it, offering my thanks and straddled the Harley behind him. Hesitantly, I put my arms around him as he started the engine and it roared to life.

The rumbling beneath me felt good to my tight balls.

He grabbed my hands and pulled them tighter so that it scooted me up as close as I could be to him.

I ground into his ass the whole ride, resisting the urge to touch myself and find some blessed relief.

I distracted myself by rubbing him through his jeans the whole ride to my house.


When we finally pulled into my garage, I swung a leg over and adjusted myself.

It felt good to even do that and my head was buzzing with pleasure.

And I didn't know why but I swore I thought his eyes kept glancing at my neck. Did I have a hickey?

I searched for the key to the main part of the house, anxious to get inside. I opened the door and before I took one step inside I was pushed into the wall. The door slammed shut and lips were crushed to mine.

It was a hungry kiss, feverish. I returned it with equal fervor. His hands were on my naked chest, running down my abs causing them to flex one by one as he touched them.

His hands continued down my front, teasing my v-line and tickling the inside of my waistband.

Mine were on his chest first, then to his bulging biceps.

The lights were still off and he opened his eyes.

They glowed in the dark.

How did contacts glow like that?

He smiled and I noticed something red in his mouth glowing too.

Before I could figure out what I saw his lips were on mine again and he shoved his tongue into my mouth. It caressed mine and I realized that the glowing red thing was a tongue ring.

How I didn't feel it before was a question to ponder later.

Maybe I just spent more time with my tongue in his mouth on that couch than his in mine.

He was kissing me so hard my lips were probably going to be bruised but I didn't mind. It turned me on and my arousal was through the roof.

I started rubbing my body against his in any way that I could. I pulled his body as close to mine as was possible while I did it.

I tried to find any relief I could. I had been so close to cumming all over myself and his hand at the club. I wanted to so bad but knew that I shouldn't, but if he hadn't have stopped it I would have.

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