Chapter 3

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A Spartan. That was the only costume I could find in the whole damn store that would fit me. I never could find my old Halloween costume and the Halloween store was picked through and I was really not happy. I could just imagine the shit my battle buddies were going to say about this.

I jerked open the door in answer to the repeating doorbell and pounding knocks.

Kyle arched his eyebrow at me and April peered out from behind him, ogling me from head to toe.

"Wow, look at you..." she slurred.

I looked up to the heavens for some patience.

"Did you have to get her shit-faced before the party?" I asked rhetorically.

He smirked. "Of course I did, we've already had sex like, three times."

"I didn't know you were good for that many Kyle, I thought

I was the only one that could do that."

He snorted and rolled his eyes.

She stepped out from behind him, shamelessly staring at my naked chest and abs. She drunkenly traced her finger down the middle of my abs and they flexed automatically.

She whistled.

Kyle slapped her hand away and rolled his eyes. He was wearing black from head to toe, with nunchucks in his hand and a scrap of fabric tied around his head.

"What are you, the Karate Kid?" I asked, humor lacing my tone.

"I. am. a. ninja!" he hissed.

I belted out my laughter.

"Well whatever she is...her nipples are showing," I pointed at said nipples, looking at him.

She had on a skin tight, thin, ripped, white dress and a tattered head dress. She wasn't wearing a bra and it left nothing to my imagination.

A sight like that used to have me focused on one thing and one thing only.

Now however, even with her ripped little dress so short it was about to show the globes of her ass, I didn't get turned on at all.

"She's a mummy," Kyle responded. "Come on," he canted his head towards the limo, "the guys are waiting in the limo."

They turned and Kyle grabbed her hand and he led her to the rental limo. I watched her ass jiggle and sway and not once had to fight the urge to smack or grab it.

What the hell was wrong with me? I sure hoped it was curable.

Inside the limo, Carl and John sat beside each other, nodding when I entered. When they noticed my costume they started snorting and making jokes about it.

I knew they were just jealous, of course. Years of being a Navy SEAL doesn't get me the body of a normal naval officer, like them. No, I went above and beyond and my body was proof.

Of course, I didn't brag about it but I knew what I knew.

::shoulder shrug::

Carl was dressed up as a football player and John wore his service uniform. Original, I know.

They couldn't keep their eyes off of April's ass as she straddled Kyle across from them, making out the whole ride to The Castle.

I found it funny that they were so obvious about it and wondered if that's how I used to be too.

April finally took a moment to pause and look back at me with her swollen lips. "Devon, you can join us if you want..."

She tried to smile seductively but it looked more like she had just come home from the loony bin.

I glanced at Kyle to see if that pissed him off but he had her dress pulled aside and was sucking on her nipple and grinding underneath her. I didn't even think he heard the invitation.

"Nah, I'm good."

She stuck her lip out and tried the pout face.

"What about me?" Carl asked. "I'll do it..."

She moaned and focused her attention back on Kyle. He mumbled some sort of question and she responded with "threesome." He grumbled something and she told Carl that he didn't like to share.

The 'short' limo seemed like the longest ride of my life. The sexual tension in there was through the roof.

The guys and I didn't talk anymore and they tried hard not to watch the porn show, but after all, they were only guys and they had just gotten back from a tour together...with no civilian contact for years.

At least it didn't fuck with their mind like it did mine.

The limo finally stopped and we had arrived. A mummy, a ninja, a Spartan, a football player, and a naval officer all exited the sleek, black limo and walked in silence up the drive to the crowded party.

The bass from the music could be heard all the way from the bottom of the driveway and people were standing outside smoking and drinking.

"My nerves are shot after that ride, man, what about yours?" Carl asked in a strained voice.

I grunted in answer.

He slapped me on the back and then squeezed my shoulder in a friendly sort of way.

"You need to lighten up, Devon. Smile for once. What's been up with you?"

We entered the double doors and the music level was almost so loud that I couldn't hear him.

A group of girls dressed as the Ninja Turtles (I was assuming) ran up to April and screamed and jumped up and down with excitement.

They wore heels, green socks up to their knees, green underwear, a green bra and whatever color head band thing that correlated to which turtle character they were.

It showed off their nice bodies but weren't they cold? It was basically November and the temperature was below fifty!

"Nothing man, just tired from the tour, I guess," I finally responded.

He still had his arm around my shoulders but he was eyeing the girls.

"Yeah, well what do you say we get a bitch and get the party started?"

I glanced at him to see which 'bitch' he was going to go for and found that he had his eyes glued to the one with the biggest ass.

And his eyes were just on that ass...for a long time.

I slapped him on the back of the head.

It didn't affect him because he simply removed his arm from my shoulder and slapped me on the pec with his other arm.

My pec twitched when he did it and I closed my eyes briefly in prayer that my body wouldn't respond to this shit.

After all, I was so tightly strung and this little fake, leather, skirt thing I was wearing wasn't going to hide much.

He went over to talk to Miss New Booty and I sighed.

Everyone around me had already found someone to talk to and they were starting to go off their separate ways.

The Ninja Turtles were still fixated on April and Kyle but three of them had noticed me. And by noticed, I mean they were whispering, giggling, and eyeing me up and down. I figured I had better get out of there before they approached me, so I headed to the bar.

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