Chapter 6

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If that damn bottle didn't land on Devon, I was going to pick it up and smash it into a thousand pieces.

I had never been so jealous in my entire life. It didn't do good things for me because anger was rushing through my veins and I didn't want him to think I was a dick.

I was not a dick, I just really, really, wanted his.

Watching that SLUT jerk him for the longest minute of my entire life, while smelling his blood and desire rocket sky high, did not sit well with me. At all.

My body was telling me that he was mine. M.I.N.E. MINE!

When his face turned red and he laid his head back, I knew he was feeling good. Joy looked like she could suck chrome off of a bumper so who knew how his poor nipple was faring.

And so what if I stopped the time ten seconds early, I did Devon a favor.

She was not his type.

Although seeing that look of pleasure on his face caused my own pulse kick up a few notches and my gums started tingling again.

I had to look down to keep anyone from noticing my pupils going crazy; I could always tell when they were because my vision would be tinted red just a little bit.

The bottle finally slowed and landed on empty space to Devon's left.

"You can spin again," April suggested.

"Thank God. I thought you girls would try to make me kiss Devon while you got off on it." I asked, trying to hint that they might like it.

Hopefully no one there was smart enough to realize that I was throwing that out there because I had a hard on for Devon. Everyone there thought I was straight, no doubt in my mind. "Just trying to be honest," I interjected, holding my hands up. I glanced at Devon to see how he was taking this. He was so fine, I had to try not to drool as he lounged back, half naked, arms crossed under those smooth pecs and hard nipples.

I could have licked him all over.

He had a half-lidded, pleased expression on his face, just watching me.

Luckily, he didn't seem to give a shit one way or other about us kissing.

"Umm, that is actually a good idea," Joy shrugged.

"Hell yes! Two hot guys going at it! Sign me up," April chimed in.

"Alright, set the timer," Devon finally spoke up.

Hell. Yes.

The girls looked at each other and smiled. Then they giggled and started whispering. Normally I would have been nervous but in this case I was excited to see what they conjured up for us to do to each other.

I might spontaneously combust just kissing those soft lips or touching his lithe, sinful body.

I was sure that I couldn't handle him and no doubt was going to embarrass myself somehow.

"Alright, we've decided that we want Devon to do all the work since he just had his fun," they grinned from ear to ear.

"Devon, take off his shirt and then make out with him while you straddle him. Run your hands ALL OVER his naked chest!" April demanded.

Then of course, Joy chimed in with more instruction, this was for me. "Jake, we want you to suck on Devon's neck while your hand disappears under his kilt. What you do under there we won't know, but it's up to you as long as your hands are under it," she smiled, evilly.

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