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A little girl, happy as ever, ran through the court yard in the palace walls. She laughed happily as her three older brothers chased her while her two older sisters and younger sister all sat down watching them. Suddenly the horn of the north gate was blown, not too far from where they were playing. They all stopped and froze as they looked towards the gate. At first everything was still and quiet but then the horn was blown again as a massive hole was broken into the gate.

"y/n, Karla. Go hide, we're going to play some hide 'n' seek," the eldest brother, Mirulan said to the two younger elves. They nodded warily before running off into the castle gardens, the twins made sure they hid together, sticking together as much as they could to relieve dome of the others fear.

As soon as the younger siblings were out of sight the boys unsheathed their swords while the girls pulled out their bows.

"Go! Go with the twins and get out of here!" the second oldest boy, Samuli, yelled to his sisters who held their bows getting ready to fire at any enemy threats.

"No! We will stay and fight! One of us goes down, we all go down," the sisters, Vanes, Laron, yelled towards the brothers, Mirulan, Samuli and Castiel, who in return all gave each other an understanding look before nodding.

"As soon as it gets bad, go find the y/n and Karla and get them to safety," Castiel said, hoping they would agree.


Meanwhile, the King and Queen were both fighting enemies at the wall, they wanted to go find their children but couldn't leave for many soldiers were fighting to break entry. They thought they had the upper hand before they noticed 3 to 4 catapults with large balls of fire, they both spared each other a knowing look.

"Target the catapults! Make sure nothing reaches the kingdom!" The King ordered to the soldiers who had also noticed the large balls of fire slowly approaching the battlefield. Many elves of the kingdom ran out into the battlefield to meet the catapults half way, they didn't make it very far before the catapults were in place, the balls of fire launched into the air. A grave truth hit the two leaders, no matter what they did, the fire was going to hit the kingdom. It was going to cause such a destruction that they may not be able to recover from...

"Why did I allow Mirkwood to borrow 20, 000 of my soldiers? I should've saw the signs, now my home and family will pay for this mistake of mine," the king mumbled sadly as the queen walked over to his side.

"You could not have foresaw this, no one could. Now we must make haste and send the kids away, come." She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the courtyard, there stood the children except the two youngest.

"Where are y/n and Karla?!" The Queen panicked.

"Shh, mother we have sent them away to hide," Vanes calmed her.

"You must find them and take them into the human kingdom two mountains away, please," the king begged them. They all nodded, placing their weapons back in their places and hugging their mother and father before running in the direction of the castle.

Y/n and Karla both held onto each others hand tightly, watching the soldiers, friend and foe, run through the fields, blood coating them head to toe. They were both silent until an enemy killed an elvish soldier who fell down right in front of the two girls. Karla screamed out, startled, the sound acted as an alarm, alerting the enemy who had killed the elf of their position. It found the twins and didn't hesitate even a second to start attacking them, they both screamed and tried to escape but in the heat of the battle Karla's arm was captured.

"y/n!" she screamed out, y/n, who was quite far away from the elf and enemy, turned to her and watched her be thrown over the enemies shoulder.

"No!" she screamed before picking up a dagger and running towards them, she jumped up to her sister and stabbed the enemy in the shoulder, he screamed out in pain before hissing out a "damn elf brat!" and then he swung his fist at her, connecting with her stomach and throwing her into the far wall. Blood trailed from her mouth from the impact and unconsciousness grabbed at her as her head hit the wall hard.

"No y/n! Let me go!" Karla screamed thrashing around in her capturers arm, he sighed before knocking the young girl out. He ran away and into the forest just as the five older siblings came running into the blood stained garden. The noticed their sister at the wall. Castiel ran over to her as the others ran around looking for the missing twin.

"Hey, wake up," he whispered to her, lightly shaking her shoulder. Y/n's eyes cracked open weakly.

"They took Karla," she whispered. Castiel's eyes widened as he repeated the words to his brothers and sisters, they all ran over to the crouching boy and weak girl.

"This was one eventful 7th birthday for you two," Mirulan said sadly before picking the girl up into his arms, "we must get to the stables!"

They all nodded and started for the stables. Once in there they saddled up their horses and mounted them.

"What about Karla? What are we going to do?" Laron asked her siblings sadly. They all looked down clearly contemplating what to do.

"We will take y/n somewhere safe and then search for her," Mirulan ordered as he started riding. With that information the group rode out of the kingdom, they looked back just to watch as their home was set a light by a large fire ball.

"Goodbye home," Castiel whispered under his breath.


Riding for four days across barren land they finally come across a safe place. An abandoned cottage, yes? But safe, it was also.

"You will live here until we come to get you," Laron said to y/n.

"But why? Where are you going?" she asked, tears threatening to fall, "don't leave me..."

"We are going to get Karla from those horrible creatures, just remember us and wait for us to come back," Mirulan replied bluntly before riding into the forest followed by the other elves.

100 years later_

Your PoV

100 years ago I was left alone by my siblings in this cottage in the middle of nowhere. Nowhere being the human kingdom. I don't mind but it would be great to not have to hide from people.

I should explain, this cottage is 'abandoned' and is frequently used by travellers. I have to stay hidden. Humans are greedy creatures who take anything they want when they want to. So... when they visit I hide in the roof support beams until they fall asleep, while they sleep I make them a meal for when they wake up so then they will leave the next morning without sticking around for random stuff such as food and hydration.

I've been doing this for at least 93 and a half years now. I don't trust others and don't want to interact with anyone until my family is back together, then again, I don't really trust them anymore considering I've been alone for a hundred years now.

What do I spend my days doing? Sitting around and reading books I've managed to pick pocket from the visitors (what? There's literally nothing to do around here), and I go in and out of the forest collecting food and water very frequently.

I find my life very boring. I don't know how to fight, but I know how to create swords, bows, staffs, axes, you name it, I can make it. I only know how to do that because around 50 maybe 60 years ago I found an abandoned smithery which had unique instructions on how to create these weapons, I guessed the instructions were from the old ages but they were kinda hard to perfect. But practise makes perfect, am I right?

"We should take shelter in here for the evening, my lords," a boy's voice echoed through the building, pulling me out of my thoughts, I quickly grabbed a support beam and hid in the roof. This is just everyday life for me...

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