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Karla's PoV

The girl who I thought was my sister walked away, all I saw was the disappearing figure. I couldn't help myself, I sprinted forward, jumped into the trees as one of the guards reached out for me and grabbed both of her arms. She must've sensed me though and she showed her skilled combat as soon as I landed.

"Im told cin na leave, cin misjudged nin fairness a gar- ignored nin offer. Guards! Take hain all awaui, but n- sure na tend na i horses hain don't deserve unfair treatment due na their owners rash actions. (I told you to leave, you misjudged my fairness and have ignored my offer. Guards! Take them all away, but be sure to tend to the horses they don't deserve unfair treatment due to their owners rash actions)," she commanded coldly as she skilfully restrained me.

"No! I do not want to be thrown behind bars again! Now after the past," I heard Samuli yell out, to this the girls head whipped around to face us so abruptly I thought it may have fallen off if she went any faster...

Your PoV

"No! I do not want to be thrown behind bars again!" after hearing that I zoned out of the rest of what she said and quickly turned to look at the others. I looked down to the girl who I was holding, I let go of her arm and waved my hand to signal the guards to release them.

"Ah! This is such a pain," I sighed before turning around again, "Take tien ana i valief ampano, care- tanca te care- vamme move, ni indóme oment- tye tar. (Take them to The Great Hall, make sure they do not move, I will meet you there)."

I then quickly walked back in the direction I originally came from, retraced my footsteps until I was in front of the dining hall where I was sure, Thranduil and Gandalf were discussing matters. I burst into the room earning the eyes of all of the committee.

"Sorrui na interrupt but hir Thranduil, Gandalf i mith. Ha's urgent cin join nin. (Sorry to interrupt but Lord Thranduil, Gandalf the Grey. It's urgent you join me)." My expression hadn't changed from expressionless through this whole ordeal, Gandalf and Thranduil both nodded before excusing themselves and followed me out of the hall. Quickly walking through the rows of trees, I briefed them in what just happened.

"...and they claim to be my family, from what I remember they could be my family but I wouldn't know for sure so I'm keeping my identity at a low until I find out," I said as we stood in front of The Great Hall doors, they both decided my decision was wise before I opened the door and walked in with the old wizard and elf.

"This is Gandalf the Grey, I am hoping he can determine whether we trust you or not and this is Lord Thranduil, leader of this wonderful area, he will speak with whoever the leader is, on this...matter. Over there," I pointed to Legolas, "is Legolas, the son and future heir to Lord Thraduil's family."

"And you?" The same boy who complained about the cells, stepped forward and asked.

"Just a mere soldier who doesn't believe in trust, so don't try," I said truthfully, my expression didn't change. After our introductions an elf stepped forward.

"I suppose it's our key to pipe in with who we are now? My name is Haldir, head warrior of Lothlórien, under the rule of Lady Galadriel. This is Samuli, third oldest- prince of Rotml,;Vanes, fourth oldest- princess of Rotml; Castiel, fifth oldest- prince of Rotml; Laron, sixth oldest- princess of Rotml. And joint seventh child but also the youngest by a few minutes, Karla, princess of Rotml also twin to y/n, princess of Romtl," Haldir said doing the traditional bow, Thranduil and Gandalf both nodded respectfully. Then Legolas voiced my thoughts.

"What happened to the two eldest?"

"Mirulan, second oldest prince is back in Lothlórien resting, he's in poor shape from torture and something only repairable by y/n and himself together. As for the eldest, he was the first elf to die when Rotml was attacked and brought to ruins, unfortunately the King and Queen now class Mirulan as the eldest so we don't really talk about, Nicholas," Haldir responded looking to the floor sadly, I raised my brow.

"If you're head of guard, what're you doing here? What if something happened?" I asked looking at him directly in his eyes, I felt him fidget under my gaze before he broke it by looking away.

"They know what to do when threat strikes, I trust my forces," he said proudly, I rolled my eyes, walked over to where Legolas was stood, leaned on the wall and crossed my arms.

"You trust them?" he asked mirroring my stance.

"No, but there's no doubt--" I started before grabbing his arm and tugged him out of ear shot.

"There's no doubt they're my siblings, although, I can't trust them. I'm sure my memories have completely or near to completely came back. Not sure," I sighed frowning out over the river in front of me, the only thing that was still beautiful. A few moments of silence passed over us until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me close to them.

"Whoa... To close buddy," I said trying to push him off me only for his grip to tighten and prevent me from moving.

"No matter what, I'll help you get home or whatever it is you actually want to do, if it means snooping around them, despite me being all 'high and mighty' in your words, then so be it." he said before resting his chin on my head.

"Alright mr, get off me," I said getting ready to flip him but surprisingly he actually let go. We then walked back into the hall and everyone glared at me.

"Uhh... hello?" I looked around warily, obviously confused as to what we missed...

The Girl With No Home (Legolas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now