Chapter 8: Phoenix King Ozai

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When Sokka suggested they hang out on the beach, Percy grinned. Aang and Katara used their water-bending to have the most epic splash contest he had ever seen while Toph and Sokka made the /best/ sand sculptures ever.

Percy walked over to where Zuko was sitting at the top of a large staircase that led down to the beach. He knew his boyfriend was pissed because his face was so red it was letting off smoke (literally). He said, "Come on, Zuko, let's take a minute to relax. You've been stressing yourself out since we got here."

Zuko turned to him with a glare so Percy held his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry," he said, pushing himself up and turning back toward the courtyard. His shoulders were tense and his voice betrayed his fury. "We have to be ready. Aang has to be ready. There's no time for relaxation!"

Percy watched him go for a few seconds. Should he go after him? Well, Zuko seemed pretty put off about Aang's behavior, so maybe being alone would give him time to cool off? Percy groaned as he looked back and forth between the house and the sea. Zuko would be fine right? He sent one last look back at Zuko before walking to the water and flopping himself down among the waves. He willed the currents to push him farther out where he allowed himself to sink to the bottom of the ocean and relax.

"Agh maybe I should go back." Percy sighed, closing his eyes for a second as he argued with himself. It was hard to sit still, even at the bottom of the ocean so, despite his worries, he eventually found himself swimming around. As he was adventuring, the weird creatures that inhabited this world's ocean would dart over and say 'hi' like they were meeting a celebrity.

Percy vaguely wondered (for the hundredth) where Blackjack went when he wasn't hanging around. Now that they were in a different world, he must be exploring on his own somewhere. It would be interesting to hear the pegasus' stories when he got back. Maybe he would ask him? (Also known as setting myself up for a sidestory.)

The rumors from his short vacation under the sea must have spread even further since he left because many of them would stop by and greet him Odd fish swam by along with gigantic combinations of the weirdest sea creatures that lurked in the depths of this world's sea, their psychically-transmitted voices exclaiming "Greetings, Protector of the Ocean!"

Percy grinned at the peaceful atmosphere beneath the waves. He was glad that humans hadn't found a way to live underwater yet. The fish were relatively safe--for now.

When Katara swam down, the fish that had gathered around swam away. Pushed himself up to meet her halfway.

"Did something happen?" he asked.

She waved her hands a few times and expanded the bubble she had bent around her head so that it surrounded his as well. "Zuko's gone crazy!" she exclaimed, knitting her eyebrows together with worry. "He's attacking Aang!"

Well, schist. Percy grabbed ahold of her waist and shot them toward the surface (while making sure he didn't go too fast, he didn't want Katara to get hurt). The waves washed them up gracefully ashore, landing them both on their feet on the beach.

They could see smoke rising near the house and Percy ended up chasing Katara up the stairs to where Zuko and Aang had just finished their fight. Percy knew he should have gone after Zuko. What kind of boyfriend was he? The teen just wanted to prepare Aang for the possibility of there being no other choice than killing Fire Lord Ozai, but he was bad at communication. Percy was supposed to be there for him.

"I can't understand why you're all just lying around!" Zuko raged, throwing his arms in the air as Aang, Sokka, and Katara shared awkward looks.

Aang had the sense to at least look a little sheepish. "Umm, we have a confession to make," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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