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???'s POV

The girl introduced herself as Zoe.

Someone entered the room. It was the boy's mother who I had killed. He had a very powerful weapon, which he fired. The bullets penetrated my hide, and I fell to the ground. My vision was becoming blurry. Zoe came towards me, but she was teleported away.

I blacked out.

Zoe's POV

We were in Jack's room. Admiral and him were debating on which god to visit. I told them to just go visit Roblox. They left, and I went back to the temple.

The dragon was on the ground. It had a pool of blood around its chest and stomach area. I went towards the dragon, and it whimpered. I spent a few hours taking the bullets out of its hide.

The dragon morphed back to a human dragon hybrid. It was a woman with dark blue wings, a tail, and black horns. She had a scar across her left eye from Admiral and the knife.

"I'm sorry I never introduced myself, but my name is Noelle." she said.

"You're the Beast Goddess?" I asked.

Noelle nodded her head. "Thank you for helping me. When you children came to the temple, it awoke me from my statue state. Where are your parents?"

"My mom is probably at home, but my dad left when I was a baby..."

"I can take you to your father. His name is Zane Domingeuz."

"How do you know him?"

"Zane is my son."

I morphed back to a fire dragon, and put Zoe on my back. I began to fly us to Zane's temple.

"Why do you hate Admiral so much?" Zoe asked.

"You mean the kid who shot me? Because his father is Arcturis."


"Arcturis is my husband. Admiral's mother is mortal, meaning my husband cheated on me. I'm mad at them both. That's why I killed Admiral's mother."

"Well if your husband's last name is Domingeuz, what is your's?"


What a minute, I knew that name from somewhere. But where?

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