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Chapter 6.

Brooke's POV :

At 9:54 after watching the Muppets 3D thing, I head the girls over to Sunset Boulevard to watch the amazing show of fireworks; Fantasmic. I take them to a seat close to the top so they can see clearly. Halfway into the show, someone sits next to me.

"Mind if I sit here?" They whisper. I roll my eyes at them.

"Maybe, Brandon, if you would've gotten here the day you were supposed to." I snap. "Just let me enjoy this, at least for a little while." I say before he can say anything. 
I loved the show, personally. I thought it was almost perfect. Brandon would've had to have been here earlier for it to be perfect. Ella notices him while we wait for the bus to bring us back to our hotel.

"Daddy!" She shouts and runs up and hugs him.

"Where have you been? I didn't get to ride one ride with you yet!" Brandon glances up at me almost to say, 'Yeah, maybe you were right, I should've gotten here sooner.'

"Well Daddy had to work, but I'm here now! We can ride rides tomorrow."

"We're going to one of those water parks tomorrow." I say with no emotion.

"Well, whenever we go to a park again." He says.

"Goodnight, sweetie." I coo, laying Ali into her crib. Brandon is struggling to put Ella down.

"No! Daddy! I don't wanna go to bed!" She shouts. Of course he can't put her to bed, he doesn't know how to do it here. It's much different than putting her to bed at home.

"Hey, El." I whisper. She turns over to me. I crawl into bed with her and snuggle up next to her.

"Are you tired yet?" She nods her head.

"Goodnight, Momma. I love you."

"Love you too, baby." I lay with Ella until I'm for sure that she's asleep. Then mine and Brandon's fight explodes.


"How could you have done this?! I called and texted you non-stop! You've been so inconsiderate to us. We're supposed to be on a nice, family vacation and you're who knows where doing who knows what!" I hiss when we step outside so we don't wake up the girls. Brandon has some pretty good explaining to do before I can even come close to forgiving him.

"I told you! I had to work! One of us has to so our kids can live in a house with food and go to school. And since you don't have one, I have to support this family!" He did not just say that. He's the reason I don't have a job!

"Hey! I could have a job, but you thought it was best for me to stay home and take care of our kids!" I snap. If we weren't in a public place with people around us sleeping, I would've attacked him by now.

"Please, can you just please forgive me?" He says, pulling me into a hug. He smells different… almost like… like woman's perfume. I shake it off but get out of his grasp and go lay in bed with Ella. I hear Brandon come in after me and the bed springs squeak under him as he gets onto the other bed.

"Alright, lets find a spot to stay." I announce when we finally arrive to the water park, Typhoon Lagoon.

Before we got here, I didn't want to wake Brandon up because I didn't want to touch him. So I had Ella pour a glass of freezing water on his face. Ali threw a fit when we got on the bus since I woke her up a little bit too harsh. I slightly shook her at first, then, thinking she was awake, I picked her up and she screamed bloody murder, probably waking up everyone on Disney property. I had no help from Brandon, so I had to calm her down and we almost didn't get here on time for it to open. 
Ella picks up her gigantic hat on her head and waves it about.

"It's so hot out here." She complains.

"Then we can go in the water." I say. I find a table shaded by an umbrella and two palm trees and sit my stuff on the tables and chairs. 
I pick up Ali and rush into the water with Ella in front of me.

"Grab two floaties." I tell her. I watch her wiggle into it then sit on mine with Ali on my lap. Then, the waves start.


yay hope you liked this and btw i dont like the new wattpad update its confusing me lol.

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