Chapter One: Let The Ink Fly!

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Chapter One: Let the ink fly!

"Come on!" Lorraine was pushing her rock-star boyfriend Gerard Way "admit it, her and your brother Mikey look good together," Gerard sighed and ran his hands through his bright read hair as Lorraine pointed to her emo looking best friend who was talking to Patrick Stump and Mikey Way, "Amanda and Mikey would look so cute!" She kissed Gerard on the cheek, "well, a hipster looking guy don't go well with an emo looking chick, Mikey is just to...hipster" He looked at his huge ring of friends, "maybe she'll go good with someone else" He wrapped an arm around her, "why does this matter to you anyway?" Lorraine looked up at him "well, she is still single at the age of 27, and I'm afraid if she doesn't get married soon, she'll become a crazy cat lady version of virgin Marry" Gerard smiled and laughed a bit "but still," he kissed her cheek "she can find who she-" before Gerard could finished he saw Amanda standing in front of them, arms crossed, "I can hear you guys" she sat next to Lorraine on the old brown sofa, "I can find my...err...relationship partner soon enough" she leaned on Lorraine, Lorraine just pushed her off, "you are sure you can do that?"  Lorraine gave her a confused look when Amanda nodded. "Well your last "relationship partner" was a girl who was addicted to figure nail polish!" Gerard cocked his head "wait, she had a girlfriend who was addicted to finger nail polish!?" Amanda nodded. "Yup, every time she got her nails done, she would smell her nails till her eyes were dilated" Lorraine looked back at Amanda "don't forget about my boyfriend who would drag me away from you guys" Gerard and Lorraine nodded "I hated him" Gerard leaned on Lorraine who was watching Frank Iero and Pete Wentz talk about tattoos, well, they must of been since they were pointing at there arms, knuckles, anywhere they had a tattoo and laughed.Then Lorraine had an idea "hey Amanda why don't you go hang with Pete like you love to do, him and his new friend are talking about-" before Lorraine could finish, she was interrupted by a chorus of "This is Halloween" from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" sung by Pete, Amanda, and Frankie. They all laughed after words. "Oh Frankie this is my sister" Pete smiled,he looked up at her, literally, he is 30 years old and he is 4"9...he is short compared to Amanda who is 5"6. "I know who she is Pete, her best friend is dating my best friend" "oh yea" Pete looked down, "well you probably forgot my name so I'm-" "Frank Iero right?" He smiled "yea " Frank laughed "it's easier to call me Frankie" "yea probably" it was like love at first sight, Pete saw the connection in there eyes, he smiled and did a light sniff. "Hey, do you have any tattoos?" Amanda smiled "yup" she pointed out all of her arm tattoos, her favorite one last, it was a quote Lorraine found on-line that Amanda fell in love with, it said 'homophobia is gay' "Lorraine never told me who wrote it" she frowned a bit, Frank smiled, "that's my quote on your arm" Amanda blushed unknowingly, how cute, Frank wanted to say it out loud, because technically this wasn't there first time meeting, Amanda remembers him, she just rarely sees him since Lorraine doesn't want Amanda to make Gerard think Amanda is crazy but now it wad too late for that. Frank adores her craziness. "Oh now I remember were I heard your name before" "my band-" "no, the times that Lorraine brought me with her to see Gerard" she blushed more. "Hey...would you like to join me for dinner?" Frank started pushing the romantic dinner scenes out of his head "we could catch up" he wishes that there would be a little romance but, probably not. "Yea sure" Amanda's voice was shaky. "Ok. I'll pick you up at eight" "um ok" Amanda just notice Pete left. They just stood there and stared at the floor, Frank didn't know what to do now, so, Amanda broke the silence and hugged him, he slowly hugged back,"bye" "hehe...bye" she slowly let go and walked away. Now, lets see what they think about this, to me, this was adorable.

Amanda's P.O.V

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I kept slapping myself in my head, how could I forget about Frankie?! When I first saw him it was "love at first sight" I quickly looked around to make sure no one heard me. Wow I can't believe this is happening, I should ask Lorraine for soon as I find her, I walked back to the couch, her sitting on the sofa...what else does she do!? "Hey Lorri..." my voice was still shaky...hmmm "what" as soon as she saw it was me she smiled. "Aww, I heard" "how?!" I was in complete shock, "I watched" "stalker" I watch Gee sit back down next to her then I watched Lorraine trying to whisper it to him...every two seconds he was spitting out "huh?" after the 50th time, he got it, "hmm never thought Frankie...I always thought Patrick or something" EWW, Patrick is like my brother...well other brother...if I ever fucked him...It would feel like incest. "Never think that again" "sorry" Gee looked at Lorraine who was looking at the clock "it's 6:57" she lightly pushed me to the door "you should get ready Mrs.Ireo" I wanted to scream 'shut up' but, that would draw attention to me. Instead I clenched my fist for two second and then grabbed the keys to my motorcycle."Bye Lorri see you at band practice tomorrow" "remember we are starting at 9:00 not 7:00, Alexia's drum kit is getting repaired" "yup bye" "bye" I left and shut the door behind me, the sun felt warm against my pale skin. I forgot to bring my helmet again so I have to drive extra carefully. I started it up, "you drive a purple motorcycle?!" I looked up, Frankie was standing there holding his car keys "yup" "cool" I could feel my face turn red... But, his did blush too so... I didn't blush alone! "So 8 o'clock right?" "Yup" "ok see you there" I drove off, leaving him in a giant cloud of dust, I looked back once and I could see him grin, with his bright white teeth showing. Is there such a thing as love at first sight? I'm starting to think there is, well, this feels like first sight even though it ain't, I saw him other times but, we didn't talk to each other much. I fell in love with him then too. I bet, under all of his shortness, he has a heart bigger than his face! I should pay more attention to the rode...Frankie...why are you so distracting now? Are you my meant-to-be?

Frank's P.O.V

OMGEE! Its now 7:17 and I got to figure out what the hell is going on! I technically asked Amanda out on to a dinner date. Infront of Pete, her sometimes overly protective brother, so if I do one thing wrong to her, I'm hung. But, there is a good side to this. I sat on my white sofa and took out my HTC rhyme, my first ever touch screen! I sighed deeply, how am I going to tell her?! Oh hey Amanda, I know this is pretty much the first time we talked but-. My train of thought was interupted my the buzzing of my phone "hello?" I cautiously answered it. "Hey" it was did she get my number, "how did you get my number?" I repeated my mind "Gee gave it to me" "oh" next time I see Gerard, I'm killing him. "What do you want?" I stood up and paced back and fourth, trying to keep 'I love you' from leaking out, "do I have to dress formally?" "I don't care",you look good in anything, I  kept that part to myself. I could feel her smile through the phone, "ok" "I love you" SHIT! Well, maybe she..."what did you say?" "Err...nothing.." I slammed my head against one of the sofa pillows "oh...ok" "why do you sound dissa-" "I love you...SHIT" I heard my thought come out of her mouth. There was a long, silent, pause. "I gotta go" "wait" my voice sounded a bit whiney..."Frankie I gotta get ready" "ok" I hugged the same pillow that I slammed my head on. "See ya in a bit" "yea" "bye" "bye" I hung up and went upstairs to get dressed. I'm going to dress in my new usal look, white dress shirt with a red tie around my neck. Black jeans with matching converse sneakers and a single red fingerless glove on my right hand. "I can do thi-" before I could finish talking to myself in my mirror. My phone rang again...ugh! "Hello?" "Hey it's me again" "Amanda?!" "Yup"  "what do you want this time" I laughed it out as I plunked on the couch " we have to go out...for dinner?" "if you don't want to" "yay!" I heard her mumble something but, I didn't really care about it. "Are you dressed?" "yea why-" I heard a knocking on the door. I opened it. Sure enough it was Amanda, standing there, wearing a Patrick Stump "tight" tuxedo hoodie with black skinny jeans and purple converse sneakers. "Hi!" She hung up on me. "Hey" I put my phone in my jean's pocket "hey can we hang for a bit before we eat?" Amanda smiled at me "yea" I returned a smile, god, I love her smile. "Soo" she looked around "can I come in?" Hell yes! "Yea, of corse" I stepped back to let her in, tonight, is going to be ethier the best or worest night of my life.

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