Chapter Eleven: Sorry We Can't Go To Dinner...

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Chapter Eleven: Sorry We Can't Go To Dinner...

Well, its an hour later and Amanda and Frankie are about to get ready to go eat out, when something happens.

Amanda's P.O.V

"Okay let me get dress" I grabbed my bag of clothed and headed towards the bathroom, my stomache aching, then I stared think about six weeks ago, me and Frankie. I looked at the box of testers that I bought yesterday, I decided what the hell and I tested myself, I was in my t-shirt and underwear. "You ready" Frankie was heading up the stairs when the tester finally got the came back positive...I put my hand over my mouth, then my stomach turned again, I put the tester down and vomited in the toilet, Frankie walked in "are you ok" "Frankie, I'm pregnant" I stopped vomiting and looked at him. I wanted to cry, would he leave me? Would he stay? What the hell is he going to do? He sat there for a moment and then smiled, he is staying! "Well, we have to hold the mirrage off for a bit" "I don't care" he hugged me lightly "I should tell Lorraine and Gee" I grabbed my jeans and put them on. "Want me to drive or you wanna walk" "walk, my stomach is fine so, I wanna walk" he switched to his normal clothes and we walked off to Lorraine's and Gee's. "I'm proud of us Amanda" he took my hand as we walked the street. "I thought you would be the one to run away or something like that" he looked at me with his brown eyes "you know I would never do that to you right?" I shrugged "well, we learned I wouldn't, right?!" I giggled and nodded "good" he kissed my cheek as we got to Lorri's and Gee's place. "Ready Mrs.Iero?" He grinned at me "yup" he knocked on the door, Gerard answered, usually Lorraine did but, something has to be wrong.

Frank's P.O.V

"Hey, Amanda, Lorri isn't feeling well" "I'm not ethier" he looked at Amanda funny as we walked in the room. "Are you ok" "yea" she took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant" "me too!" Lorraine ran downstairs and hugged Amanda "wow, we banged our girlfriends on the same day" "before their tour" "yup" me and Gee laughed, the girls shot us both a dirty look. "What hehe" Gerard scratched the back of his head, Lorraine raised an eyebrow at him "are we brag dolls?" "no" Amanda looked at her "why would people brag about us?" Lorri facepalmed her "Amanda, Amanda, Amanda" "I mean come on...what are they going to say" she cleared her throat "I have a girlfriend who is really pale and plays bass" we all laughed at her impression of me "and I have a girlfriend who has red hair!" Amanda got slapped in the back of the head by Lorri "its not red...its strawberry blonde" Amanda pause "still red to me" Gerard laughed a bit. Lorraine growled lightly "well, now what" Gerard sat on the couch. "I dunno" Amanda sat on the floor next to me. I ploped next to her on the floor, "guys, there is a couch" Lorri pointed to the red couch Gee was sitting on. "But, I like the floor" Lorri sighed "ok then" she sat next to Gerard. We talked for hours and then we left.

Ryan's P.O.V

"Alright it's near 10, Andy, I'm going to bed" Jake Pitt was wiping his make-up off, the white cloth was now grey "yea me too Jake" Andy Sixx looked at the other passed out band members. He spun around and looked at me "you should to Ryan" I smiled and nodded "yea, you are awesome" Jake smiled at me as I got to my room. I grabbed my laptop and ploped in the bed. I turned the laptop on as I changed into my black pj pants and Mikey's Misfits shirt that he leaned me, it smelt like coffee. The started up sound played on my laptop, the desktop showed me and Mikey (unpixalated). I smiled as I hopped on Skype. Mikey was on, he instantly sent me the video call request. "Hey Ry!" I noticed he was on my bed "Hey Mikes...I thought you were-" "leaving" I nodded "well, I was getting my stuffises together when I heard a gross vomiting sound" "so you stayed cause of vomiting?" "No! I stayed because what came after..." "what was it!?" I grabbed my laptop tightly " 'Frank...I'm pregnant'" "Amanda's pregnant!?" "No, Frankie is...NO DUH!" I chuckled "Does Pete know?" "Not yet" "oh well, let's talk about something-" "OH A BOOK!" oh crap he found my sketchbook... "I didn't know you draw!" "umm...yea...I started drawing when I got bored on your guys' band tour" "were we boring?" Mikey smirked "no, it got boring when no one was on the bus..." "oh" Mikey opened the book, shit. "You draw real well" he smiled at the book, the first picture was him in his unforgettable grey beanie. "Awwww, you weren't kidding about loving me the first sight" he giggled, as he flipped through the pages, pictures of him, Amanda, Pete, and everyone we knew was drawn. "Awww I like your latest one Ry" he must've been staring at the one with us holding hands and kissing. "Shut up Mikey"

Mikey's P.O.V

"What it's cute!" my voice went up a bit as I pu the book back next to the bed "grr...I miss you" "why huh?" I smiled at him, well more like my camera, "because, at times like this I would pounce on you" "oh you would" we giggled and went back to talking, at 11:30ish Ryan's eyes were dropping "I'm going to bed Mikey" I smirk, I was tired too. "Night Mikes" he kissed the camera and smiled "night Ry" I kissed it back he smiled as we hung up. All of a sudden yelling was yelling downstairs, I opened my door and listened, it sounded like Amanda. "Pete no!" "sis come on! If he leaves he has to know what's going to happen!" "but sis..." "no Pete!" I walked downstairs "oh sorry Mikey" Amanda was next to Frankie on the couch as Pete and Patrick were standing up "did we wake you up" Frankie had the apologetic look in his eyes "no, just got done Skyping Ryan" "oh" Patrick nodded, I sat next to Frankie. "What's going on" I sorta muffled it "well Amanda looked madly at Pete "he wants to 'show Frank what would happen if he was like the others' all that is, is hurting him" Frank gulped a bit "no, I'm just going to promise him, if he leaves you..." "Pete just drop it!" Patrick yelled, it was scary really. "Frankie wouldn't do that" Patrick's voice went straight to calming "sorry Frank" Pete sighed "I'm just over protective of her, she's the only sis I have" Frank nodded "I would never hurt her Pete" he stood up in front of Pete. "Ok?" He nodded "Pat, we should go" "yea" they hugged us and left, we all then headed for bed. What a night, I just wish it wasn't so...loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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