Chapter Two: Dinner Is Served...With A Party On The Side.

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Chapter 2: Dinner Is Served...With A Party On The Side.

"Nice place Frankie" Amanda took her sneakers off and plunked on the sofa. "Thanks" Frankie sat next to her "so are ya hungry?" "No...not really" Amanda looked around and bit her lip "Frankie..." "yea?" Frankie looked up at her "do you like truth or dare?" No, Frank thought to himself "sure. playing it" "cool you start" "umm...Ok" Frank swallowed "truth or dare" Frank's voice squeaked. "Dare" she smiled "umm" he sat and thought, Amanda couldn't hold anymore, "I dare you-" He was interrupted by Amanda's warm lips on the corner of his mouth. "Oh god..I'm so fucking sorry" she covered her mouth as Frank's face turned red with embarrassment "no that's fine" he smiled at her "I changed my dare...I dare you to do it again" she smiled back and giggled. Then, they sat quietly for a few moments, smiling, then Amanda scooted next to him and rubbed the tip of her nose up and down his cheek.  He smiled and did the same thing back to her, "hey Amanda" his voice was soft and low, trying to keep the mood "hmm" Amanda made there noses touch, tip to tip,  "do you believe in love at first sight" even though it wasn't there first time EVER talking, they just didn't talk to each other a lot "mhmmm" she slowly nodded. He smiled, closing his eyes "why does it matter" Amanda opened an eye "I don't really-" He got interrupted by his annoying, buzzing phone, he sat up to answer, "hello" he sounded a bit mad "hey, it's Pete" "oh hey" Frank felt Amanda put her head on his shoulder, eyes closed, "Amanda is at your place right?!" "Yea dude, she's here, slowly passing out, but here" Frank played with her hair, man, Amanda falls asleep fast. "Ok good" Pete sounded relieved "can I tell you something man" Pete sounded serious "anything dude" Frank twirled Amanda's black, soft hair, in between his fingers "you know Amanda really REALLY likes you right" " yea I one, feel the same way, and two, got that" "oh" there was a pause "you listen to me when I say this ok?!" Pete sounded really mad "if you break her heart , make her cry, or hit her...for no good reason...I'm going to break your face" Pete cleared his throat "got it" "yes sir" Frank sounded blank, not just cause the threat sound like an actual threat...because he was serious. "Ok I gotta go, tell Amanda I said Hi and have fun" "yup" "bye Frankie" "bye Pete" Frank hung up and lightly shook Amanda awake "who was it" she sounded a bit drowsy "Pete, he says hi" "ok hi" she smiled "now I'm hungry" she poked Frank, he was a bit disappointed, but, it was probably for the best anyway "well I'm veg-" "ok I am anyway" "better!" Frank bought a tiny thing of beef for nothing, Poor cows. "Do you like Cesar salad?" Frank stood up ans stretched "yup" she stood up next to him "I'll help" she followed him into the kitchen "no, the guest don't cook" "then what do I do" she crossed her arms "go sit at the table" and look cute, Frank kept that inside and put his hand on her shoulders "and do-" "nothing" she put her arms on his shoulders "I don't wanna do nothing" she looked at him "so, I'm helping" "no" Frankie laughed it out and lightly pushed her playfully, she pushed lightly back "Frankie" "no" she pulled him towards her to look him in the eye "Frankie" her voice got lighter "it's still no" he put the tip of his nose on the tip of her's, just like on the couch, but standing up, "oh Frankie" she giggled "what" he tried sounding like he wasn't planning something, but, that failed "I love you" "I love you too" they smiled, looking at the floor "then let's show each other Frankie" she slowly cocked her head and pressed her lips against his, Frank's eyes flashed open then slowly fell shut. Amanda, while there lips were still locked, brought him to the sofa. Frank pulled her down onto the couch. With her on top, minutes flew away, nothing could ruin this moment, well, except Amanda's phone, "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dieing" by Fall Out Boy blasted from Amanda's jean pocket she sat up which she sat on Frank's waist "hello" "hey sis" "what do you want Pete?" Frank looked at her , she shrugged "are you ok?" "Yes" she sounded a bit mad "I'm fine" "ok you don't have to be pissed" Frank slid out from underneath her, she then sat criss-crossed on the sofa "I'm just checking on you" "Pete-" "yes I have to" Frank then mouthed out 'I'm going to make the salad' she nodded, "Pete, I'm 27, I can take care of myself" "I know, I know" there was a pause "I have been your brother for 10 years though" when Amanda was 17, Pete's parents adopted her. "So" she laughed it out almost "a few months after I came to your place, you made a band, forgot about me pretty much since you never talked to me, and started talking to me when Fall Out Boy split up" "I know, and like a always say...I'm sorry for that ok?" there was another pause "am I being over protective again?!" Amanda laughed "yea, but it's ok...a big brother is gotta do what big brothers do" they both laughed. Amanda peeked into the kitchen "oh listen dinner is almost ready so...gotta go" "ok bye, I love you, be safe ok?" "Yup I love you too, bye" she waited 'till Pete hung up, then she put her black iPhone back in her hoodie "dinner ready yet" Amanda walked into the kitchen and hugged Frankie from behind "yup" Frank finished mixing the stuff together "do you mind setting the table" "no" Amanda gabbed the salad bowl "why" "I gotta piss" "such a beautiful way to put it Frankie" "I know right" he shut the bathroom door, let the awesome table setting begin, Amanda put the bowl of salad back on the counter. and headed to the dining room. Frank has those tables that fold into the big ones. Frank's went from a table went from 4 to 10 people. Luckily, the table was set to the small one with a red table cloth. Well that was easy, Amanda grabed the bowl of salad from the counter and put it on Frank's side of the table, now for something romantic, Amanda looked around and found a candle in a holder. She grabbed it and put it in the middle of the table, and grabbed the lighter from her jean pocket (she don't smoke but she one, likes fire, and two, when she hangs around Joe Trohman he 'always needs someone to give him a light') she stared at the lighted candle for about two seconds and went to get bowls and forks, after a minute of searching she found the and placed them on the table "perfect" she whispered it to herself "yea" Amanda jumped up a foot and urned around, Frankie was standing there laughing "you scared me" suddenly her phone buzzed, that means a message, "hold on" she opened her iPhone, and checked it "Hey it's Mikey. One, Pete says hi, and two, We got Fang. He got out again, when your done, come  here plz" Amanda got her text face on and texted back "yea I will, just let me eat k?" "Who was it" "Mikey, my dog escaped again" "what type of dog" Frankie watched her put her phone back in her pocket "oh a black leonberger" "cool!" Frankie smiled "you can see him tomorrow if ya like" "what time?" "umm...after band practice, I'll get'cha k?" " let's eat" Frankie pulled out Amanda's chair for her "sit" "haha ok sir" she sat down, and Frank, like any other formal man would do, pushed her in. The second time was successful though. The first time Amanda almost hit face-first, into the table, she just laughed about it though. They ate, even though Frank ate most of the salad, they had a good time. "ugh I have to go" Amanda just got a text from Pete saying he was going to pick her up "aww really" "yea" Amanda put her sneakers back on and headed out the door, Frank followed. They sat on the porch waiting for Pete's orange lahmbroghini, she leaned on Frank "I had a good night tonight" "me too" Frank kissed her forehead, she kissed his cheek back "does this mean we're dating right" Frank smiled at her "duh dumbass" "hey" Frank laughed. "I love you Frankie" "I love you too Amanda" they touched lips one last time before Pete's car pulled in the driveway "bye Frankie" "bye Amanda" I was right, Frank watched Pete drive away with Amanda, tonight was the best night of my life.

Amanda's P.O.V

"How was your little date" Pete teased me by making kissing noises, Ugh, I swear his mentality is smaller than mine "oh shut up Pete! At least I'm still with someone!" "oh touche" we laughed "I'm having a social gathering thingy for you" Pete pulled into the driveway, two hours go by fast when you don't talk for almost the entire time, instead we sang song that come on the radio and my Fall Out Boy CDs and he would tell me why they were written and funny stories. "For me...thanks" I smiled "well, you found someone that you might stay awhile with...who doesn't sniff nail polish" He took the keys out of the car and sat there. "Hey wanna know something good about me" "sure" "you know how at least a month ago I asked Patrick out" "yea" I knew what he was going to say "he said yes" apparently I didn't. "That's awesome bro!" I hugged him "now let's go inside...summer nights are cold" "yea" I ran to the door and Pete opened it from behind me "hey Aman-" "MIKEY" I hugged him. Mikey was like my other brother. "Have fun?" "Yes!" he where's the unicorn?! "Great!" The rest of the party was great. We had a giant truth or dare game and we made Pete and Patrick kiss...and surprisingly. It was cute...almost as cute as Frankie but...nothing can be cuter than that.

Frank's P.O.V

Tonight was the best night, I walked to my bedroom and digged for some PJ pants, when I found a pair, I stripped down and put then on. Amanda, I love you so much, so cute, so secretly careing, just...perfect. I laid in my bed, I can't stop thinking aboout her, I need to get some sleep, I...I...I just...ZzZzZzZz.

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