Chapter Nine: Wedding Time! The Day Turns Into A Way!

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Chapter Nine: Wedding Time! The Day Turns Into A Way!

It's wedding day for Lorraine Day and Gerard Way. Everything is set and ready! Lets see how it goes!

Amanda's P.O.V

I walk out of the changing room with Alexia to show our orange dresses to Lorri. Ryan was in an orange tux, cause Mikey was on of the best men and he wanted to walk with Ryan, so, he has to wear an orange tux. The best men were in Purple, Gerard was in black, and Lorraine was in her orange and white wedding dress that I designed. "You guys look so pretty" Lorraine smiled at us, this was the only time my head was pulled up, but, I still had my bangs out. "ok guys go get ready!!! Ryan, you also look nice, even with the red contacts" he smiled as we got to our positions in line behind the door, and we linked arms with our boyfriends, I smiled at Frankie, he smiled back. The wedding music began to play and we walked out, we all looked forward. Everyone looked confusly at Mikey and Ryan except his mom and dad, other wise, they got a weird stare. Gerard smiled as Lorraine walked behind us. We splited to opposite sides of them, girls and Ryan on left, guys on right. Lorraine's dad let her go and she held hands with Gerard. The precher smiled at them as he began.

Lorraine's P.O.V

"We are gathered here today to celebrate to joining of Lorraine May Days and Gerard Arthur Way" I smiled at Gerard, he smiled back. The preacher started talking about how marriage is foreverness and how we should stay together. "Do you, Gerard Arthur Way take Lorraine May Days to be your wedded wife? To care in sickness and in heath? To hold until death does you part" he smiled at me "I do" I giggled "Do you, Lorraine May Days, take Gerard Arthur Way be your wedded husband? To care in sickness and in heath? To hold until death does you part" I smiled "I do" everyone smiled at us "by the power invested in me, i pronounce you Man and Wife, you may now kiss the bride" he smiled as he lifted up my veil, we looked in eachothers eyes, I stared into his deep brown eyes as he looked in my dark blue eyes we kissed and people cheered, Amanda bounced up and down and hugged Alexia and Ryan. Everyone then stood up and clapped. We pulled aparted and everyone got into the other room and talked and ate.

Gerard's P.O.V

"Congrats guys" Amanda hugged us "thanks, this will happen to you soon" she nodded as Frankie hugged her. "Oh Amanda, you were perfect!" Lorraine had a bit of squeak in here voice. "Thanks squeak box, you were faboo" Lorraine giggled. "Wait" Lorraine looked at Amanda "who is going to hand you off?" Amanda shrugged "I dunno, Pete?" we all shrugged. "Well don't think about it now, we have two months to plan k" Frankie smiled at Amanda. I couldn't help but smile, Frankie was so happy with her, and, she was so happy with him. Before him, she was, a horrible mess to be honest, but, she's better now. "Hiya newly weds!" Ryan and Mikey came up to us. "Where were you two" Amanda hugged them both and then went back and held hands with Frankie. "I was meeting his mom" he smiled "she seems to like me" "she does surprisingly" Mikey smiled at me. "She'll love whoever we are with, she likes seeing people happy,especially us Mikes" he nodded as did Ryan. "I WOULD LIKE TO PREPARE A TOAST" we all turned to the yelling, it was Pete. "TO GEE AND LORRAINE!" Everyone echoed the sentence. We laughed. "Thanks Pete" I hugged him "no prob, I'm going to do worst for Amandy here" Amanda facepalmed, "and I'll do worst for you bro" he laughed and looked at Ryan who was swinging his and Mikey's hand. "Hey Ry, good job man" "thanks" he giggled it out "Mikey was the best" "oh stop it you" Mikey blushed at Pete who sighed at his watch "whats wrong Bro" Amanda cocked her head and slipped her hand into Frankie's "me and Patrick have to go and finish filling out the papers for custody of Bronx" He grabbed Patrick's hand "see ya guys later" we all chorus 'bye' and they left. "Well, it will be less quite" Amanda looked at the direction Pete left in "Its ok, he'll be back later" Frankie smiled at her. She smiled back at him "come on guys! You gotta eat" Lorraine focused more on Amanda when she said that "you always think I'm going anorexic don't you?" "Well you hardly eat" Lorraine gave her a worried face, Frankie nodded a bit "I'm not really that hungry" "sure your aren't but you can su-" "OK let's not get into that joke Lorri, especially on your wedding day" Ryan choked it out "get into what" Amanda looked at him in confusion, as did Mikey and Frank...ugh. "Ummm, well Amanda there is one meat you like" It took them about a minute to figure it out, Lorraine just giggled."LORRI!!! I never pulled those jokes on you!" "yea ya did" "when?" Frankie butted in "The first time I went to Gerard's by myself/ you said 'well don't stay to long. I don't wanna deal with the morning sickness'!" "But, that was a sex joke, not a blowjob joke!" Mikey spitted out his coffee "I love how you are so open with things" Frankie laughed while Lorraine stood in shock.

Frank's P.O.V

"Amanda! Watch your mouth! There is young ears in here!" Amanda hung her head "your right, I'm sorry" We all stood in shock "what? If I'M going to be a parent then I need to watch my mouth...same as you Frankie" I nodded as we turned back to a very shocked Gerard "sorry" Amanda looked at the floor "no, I'm trying to figure out who was the funniest out of the two, blowjob joke or loud outburst/comeback" We all laughed as Lorraine elbowed him "can for once our conversations be normal" "no" Ryan was right, we could never have a normal, everyday conversations. "Well we can try" Mikey sipped the rest of his coffee. "LET'S DANCE!!!!" I shouted it real loud over the music that just popped on "but, I can't dance" Amanda looked shyly at me "you can! You can waltz and do a little tango" "shut up Ryan, that was highschool" "you still did" I took her hand again and relized the song wasn't the waltzing song...wait..why is MCR playing? "Why is our band playing" I again repeated my mind "well it's simple Frankie" Lorri smiled "I like your band before I knew you guys" Gerard nodded "that's accutely how we met" "yup, my headphones blasting at the coffee shop, plus there wasn't an emptey table" he smiled at her, they looked really happy together. "I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy started to play, Amanda couldn't help but sing along, she has a pretty singing voice "you have a beautiful singing voice Amanda" I smiled at her "hehe thanks" she blushed. The rest of the wedding was full of camras in face and cake, really good cake, and then Me, Amanda, Ryan and Mikey had to help clean up, I was going to drive the home to, not Gee and Lorri. They said they were going to stay after for a while.

Ryan's P.O.V

"Ryan the chair goes over here not there!" Amanda pointed the spot next to her that was full of chairs. "Well sorry I was thinking!" "Well stop thinking about whatever right now so we can finish this! You can make-out with Mikey afterwords!" Amanda was my friend since highschool, sometimes, things fly out of her brain. "I wasn't thinking about that" I looked at her, she seem nervous "sure" I laughed and put the chair down, Frankue came walking towards us. "Guys ready? Mikey is in the car" we both nodded and followed him into the car. We hopped in and he started up the car, Ananda was in the front and me and Mikey were in the back, holding hands. "Hey Mikes, you staying again?" Frankie looked at us with the rearvriw mirror and looked back at the rode "if ya don't mind Frankie" he nodded "just keep the moaning or whatever you do down, me and Amanda have to do a ton of shit tomorrow" "yea, we have to see the wedding planner person" Amanda put her head on Frankie's shoulder. "Hey Ryan" "Yea" Frankie noticed Mikey passed out along with Amanda "take care of Mikes ok, some of the people he dated weren't the best" "yea he told me last night" Mikey had some people that were out of hell. But I am better than them. Screw them. "Ok, wake up Mikey, we're here" Frankie shook Amanda up and I got Mikey up. "Come on,it's 10 at night, we should go to bed too" Frankie nodded at me as we walked into the house.

Mikey's P.O.V

"Come on Mikey, we are almost to the room" Ryan nearly dragged my groggy body to his room. "just get into these and you can go asleep k" he tossed me a pair of black cloth pants "you can change in the bathroom k" I nodded as I got in and changed, I took of my purple tux off and slipped in the black pants. I didn't bother with a shirt. I just walked in to find Ryan in black plaid pants, I took off my glasses and watched him lay down. "Cone on Mikey" I got under the covers next to him, I put my head on his chest. "Hey Ryan" I wasn't really tired anymore, so talking is the choice in mind "yea Mikes" I smiled up and him "do you think we could get married" he thought for a moment "yea we could " he started playing with my hair. "Why" I sat up a bit "I was just wondering" he sat up with me "ok, I'm guessing your not tried right" I nodded "you weren't last time ethier" "I know" I smiled at him "you were tired in the car" "yea, it was boring" I grabbed my glasses and put them on. Then I noticed Ryan put his contacts back in, he looks so cute with them on. "now since we are up what do you want to do" he smiled at me."Oh I don't know Ry" I put my nose to his, he grinned "are you sure you don't know Mikes" I smiled, we cocked our heads and kissed, seconds later his phone rang, he pulled back "I'm sorry Mikey, I have to answer" must be work. "Hello Mr.Sixx" I looked at him surprised, Andy Sixx? "Yea I'll be there, see you tomorrow, bye" he hung up and sighed "I have to be the Black Veil Brides' bodyguard tomorrow, I completely forgot, I'm sorry Mikey" "it's ok Ryan" I kissed his lips "lets get some sleep ok" he nodded sadly and took his contacts out while I took off my glasses and put my head back on his chest. He slowly passed out and I was right behind him and passed out. Dreaming of weirdly enough, unicorns...I hate unicorns! Why do you think I don't smile!!

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