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"Phoebe Thorne." a nurse called.

     I got up and looked back at Steve.

"Come with me please?" I begged him.

     He got up and we both walked to the back. The nurse led us to a room and opened the door.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." she said.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked Steve.

"What do you want to do?" he asked me.

"I wanna keep him or her. I want a chance to be a better mother than mine was."

"Okay. Then I'll support you."

     The doctor came in and checked me out. She told me that everything was fine. After I was done we walked to the car.

"Where to?" Steve asked.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Where do you stay now so I can take you back?"

     I really didn't want to go back yet.

"Just bring me back to your house and I'll walk from there." I said.

"Phoebe." he started.

"I'll be fine. Trust me."

     He sighed and started the car. I hope Braxton doesn't want to talk when I get home.


     After we reached Steve's house I went straight to Braxton's. Lucky for me he didn't want to talk. Sooner or later I would be showing and I had to hide it. I was small so I knew I would show much sooner than other girls. I walked upstairs to my room and decided to look at that book Kailey had given me.
     It taught me a lot of things I needed to know. I was reading about what to expect in my second trimester when my phone rang.

"Hello." I said answering it.

"Hi Phoebe it's Kailey. I was wondering do you want to come to the park with my little girl and me?" she said.

"Sure." I said.

"Okay meet you there."

     She hung up and I got up. I was excited to go hang out with her. We talked on the phone but we never really hung out. I felt like she was an older sister. When I went back downstairs Braxton was asleep on the couch.
     I walked to the park and saw Kailey sitting on a bench. I took a seat next to her.

"O. Hey you made it." she said noticing me.

"Yea. What's this cutie name?" I said looking in the stroller.


"She's so adorable."

"Do you want to hold her?"

"Can I?"

"Your going to need practice. You are keeping your baby aren't you?"


     I had to tell my mom. I know she didn't have to know because it didn't matter, but I wanted her to know.

"She's so light." I said.

     Reyna just stared at me.

"Here." I said handing her back to Kailey.

"She's our little angel sent from heaven." Kailey said.

     We chatted for a while and I headed home. Braxton was still watching tv in the living room.

"Hey." I said.

"O hey." he said sparing me a glance. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Doesn't matter."

"I'll order take out from a Chinese place."

     I sat down next to him and watched tv. He was watching some movie that I couldn't follow the plot to. I think it's because I came in the middle of it. Braxton called the Chinese place and ordered a lot of food. I never understood how he could eat that much and still look the same.
     Once I was done eating I went upstairs and got ready for bed. There was only one more day left before school started again. I wonder how I would deal with this pregnancy during school. They would probably call me a whore more now than ever. They only did that because they didn't know anything about me.
     Why do people judge before getting to know the whole story? I didn't want to go back to school. I don't know if I could take it if everyone found out I was pregnant. I hated my life. I hated everything up until the moment I found out I was pregnant.
      I hope my life only gets better from now on. The next seven months of my life are gonna be rough, but they're gonna be worth it. I really couldn't wait to be a mom. I fell asleep with that on my mind.

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