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Phoebe's POV

     The next morning the electricity had come back on. I was glad to because I don't think that I would be able to stand another minute without indoor air conditioning. When I got here I didn't really have a chance to look around so that was what I was doing now. Braxton's mom had just told me this morning that they were rich which explained why Braxton didn't worry about spending his money on me. I still felt guilty about it though.
     His mom had started talking about buying things for the babies too. I learned from her husband that I shouldn't try to talk her out of it because it was pointless. I felt like I was really excepted into this family. I also learned that they had more than one house.

"Hi mi corazón." Braxton said.

     Ever since last night he had started calling me this pet name. I loved it. I just wish I knew what it meant.

"Braxton what does that mean?" I asked looking at him.

"You'll find out." he said walking away.

     I just pouted.

"Phoebe wanna come to the mall with me. I'm going to look for Braxton's birthday present." Claudia said.

"Braxton didn't tell me that his birthday was coming up." I said.

"Yea. It's Tuesday. We have this big celebration anytime one of us has a birthday. It starts the eve before our birthday and ends the day after our birthday. It's awesome."

"I'm coming along."

     I had to find a present for Braxton. When we got in Claudia's car I called Johnny.

"Hi little sister what's up?" Johnny answered.

"What kind of things do Braxton like? I have to get him a present but I have no idea what to get him." I said.

"He likes all sorts of things. Just pick something and give it to him.

"Gee. Thanks. You've been a big help." I said sarcastically.

"Phoebe I'm sure Braxton will like anything you buy him."

     I hung up and stared out the window. Why couldn't Braxton have told me at least one thing that he wanted? This is why I couldn't shop for guys. We arrived at the mall and Claudia dragged me into a men's store. She walked over to the clothes while my eyes were immmediatly draw to the accessories.
     There inside the case was a rolex watch. It was all silver. This would be a great birthday present for Braxton.

"Excuse me how much is this rolex watch?" I asked the clerk.

"It's $4,000." she said.

"I'll take it. Could you wrap it for me?"


     She wrapped it then rung me up. I gave her the money then went find Claudia.

"I'm done." I said when I found her.

"Me too I just have to pay." she said.

     After she paid we went to the food court and ate before going back to the house. The twins were pushing on my bladder and I rushed to the bathroom. I wish they would stop that. Once I was finished I found a hiding spot for his present.

"Phoebe you need an outfit for Monday." Claudia said.

     We were in the kitchen. Can you guess what I was doing? Yup I was eating.

"It's taken care of." Braxton said walking in. "I take it Claudia told you."

"Yup. Why didn't you tell me that your birthday was coming up?" I said.

"Because I didn't want you to think that you had to buy me something."

"But it's your birthday I have to."

"Birthday boy says you don't."

"I'm gonna leave before I see something I'll regret." Claudia said leaving.

"That girl."

     I had grown to like Claudia over the short period of time I'd known her.

"So what did you and my sister do?" Braxton asked.

"Girl bonding." I said.

"Like what?"


"You've corrupted my girlfriend Claudia." he said leaving the kitchen.

     I just shook my head at him. I could get use to this family. I really wanted to find my real family though. The police were helping but no one had come up with anything yet. They said that they had a list of people who had reported that their children were missing but they 'misplaced' it.
     I really just wanted to know who my family is. Why did people do this? They never think about the child in these situations they only think about themselves.

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