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     When I woke up I saw that Braxton wasn't there and that it was storming outside. Walking downstairs I saw that there was a girl sitting in the living room. I wonder if she's Braxton's sister.

"Hi." I said trying to get her attention.

     She seemed startled then looked at me.

"O you're awake." she said.

"Yea. Umm could you tell me where Braxton went?" I said.

"He went pick up our parents. Their car broke down and he said it was too dangerous for you to go. I'm his older sister Claudia Martino by the way."

"Phoebe Thorne."

"I know. Come sit and tell me about you and my brother's relationship." she said patting the couch next to her.

     I slowly made my way towards her. I sat down next to her and she smiled.

"So how did you two meet?" she asked.


     I really didn't know how to answer her question. It would seem weird if I told her that we're teacher and student.

"Okay forget that one. How'd he react when you told him you were pregnant?" she said.

"Well he was mad at first because I didn't tell him, but then he was happy about it." I said.

"Has he been mean to you?"

"No. In fact he's the opposite."

"He'd better be or else I'll golpearse la cabeza contra la pared."

     I looked at her confused.

"Sorry sometimes my Spanish slips into my English." she said.

     After a few seconds the door opened and I heard a woman and two men coming in.

"Thanks again Braxton." the woman said.

"You're welcome ma'. You know I couldn't send Claudia out there in this weather even though she's the oldest." he said.

"And that's why you're a good little brother." Claudia said.

     Braxton looked towards the couch and saw me.

"You're awake." he said.

     I nodded.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Fine." I said.

"Braxton who is this lovely young woman?" his mom asked.

"It's his girlfriend." Claudia said.

"Claudia supongo que iba a decirle que no te." he said.

"Bueno o los derroté a él." she said.

"You two quit being rude in front of our guest." their mom said.

"Sorry." they said.

"I'll go get you something to eat." Braxton said.

     Braxton walked into the kitchen and his mom walked over to Claudia and me.

"Hi I'm Rosemary Martino Braxton and Claudia's mom." she said.

"I'm Phoebe." I said.

"So how long have you and my son been going out?"

"We met three months ago but he officially asked me to be his girlfriend last week."

     At that moment Braxton came back with a plate of food for me. He handed me the plate then picked me up sitting me on his lap.

"So what are you ladies talking about?" Braxton asked.

"I'm just trying to get to know your girlfriend." his mom said.

"Mom take it easy on her." Braxton said.

     Awe he was defending me from his mom even though there was really no need for him to do that.

"So Phoebe how far along in your pregnancy are you?" she asked.

     Was it that obvious? I mean I know I have a bump but is it that noticeable? I noticed Claudia staring at Braxton.

"Mom?" Braxton said.

"Come on did you two really think that you could hide something like this from me? I've had two children so I can tell when someone else is pregnant." she said.

"I'm three months." I said.

"And it's twins." Braxton added.

     If I knew he wanted me to tell her everything I would've did it myself.

"Congratulations son." a voice chimed in from behind us.

"Thanks dad." Braxton said.

     They only knew a part if my story but they seemed to accept it. I wonder how they'll feel when they find out the whole story? I hope they don't try and break us up.

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