• The Beginning •

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You had always been a drawer, ever since you could life a pencil you have made doodles and in your opinion have become decent at it.Growing up one of your most inspirations what Joey drew.He made tons of animations and made the real ones too, so when you heard of a new one was coming out you just had to see it, they were having a revealing at a convention center with joey drew him self there!Now Joey was pretty old but you always loved his work.

[Y/N] layed of her bed checking up on social media and checking her art channel which didn't have many veiws..She sighed as she rolled around on her bed staring at the pile of sketchbooks.[Y/N] heaved out of bed with her art bag she went too the bathroom to brush her [H/L] [H/C].She got dressed in a camo jacket and [F/C]under layer with jeans and went too the kitchen to see her mother making breakfast,you father had already left too work,he had always been abusive too you your sister and your mother especially."Oh [Y/N]!i was just about done with breakfast!"
She gave you a plate of burnt bacon and underdone pancakes,she looked tired so you decided not too complain"Thanks mom"You thanked her taking a bite of your crisp bacon. She looked delighted as she sat down "So [Y/N],are you still going to that convention thing?Maybe you could get a job offer there" i was about to reply before the annoying voice i knew too well interrupted "YEAH!!I mean your already almost like,what 30?!?"i turned to see my little sister [S/N] coming too the table
You sharply replied"Hey!im only about too be 21!"
Your mother slowly turned her head too you "You know [Y/N], she isnt wrong.." you gaped at her,this was sort of true though.At 18 you had failed college due too...circumstances and couldnt get excepted into another or a job ever since.
A sudden flow of anger seathed through you you picked up your art bag and stormed off cutting your mother off before saying anything else

•Time skip too convention•
It had been an hour of two since you left and you were on your way too the Convention Center for the event which started soon"I cant beleive they said that...they are wrong,ill get a job..just watch me..". You arrived to see a crowd all infront of a big stage with somthing covering orver a screen and for circles on the stage"Jeez,a lot of people must be excited too see this revealing"you thought. [Y/N] had gotten a pretty bad spot but it was still decent to see even if you stood out a bit.

Before you lnew if a cartooned voice came over the loud speakers as a black and white bus arrived."LAIDIES AND GENTLEMEN,WELCOME TO THE REVEALING OF JOEY DREWS LATEST WORKS!!"It boomed over the crowd quieting them quickly.."YOU HAVE SEEN GIS MANY WORKS BUT NONE LIKE THIS..NOW INTRODUCING TO EXPLAIN...THE ONE..THE ONLY..MR DREW!!"A roar overcame the crowd as the older man walked onto the stage in pride,yet somthing too you seemed off about him..."eh..".

"Thank you,thank you!"the crowd hushed once again. "It is and honor to be here and too introduced you all too my latest works. He turned too the crowd more."This project and completion took months and almost a year..but finally i am proud to present.."He did a little hand motion to single someone dropping the flap off of the screen. "BENDY THE DANCING DEMON!!" The crowd yelled in excitment while [Y/N] stared in awe,it sgowed a demon with a smile and gloves with other characters but they were shadowed."Whoa... this..this is.." your thoughts were interrupted by joey.
"And with that comes my GREATEST works of art YET!!,INTRODUCING...BENDY!!"You gasped as the older man had some sort of twinkle in his eye as he said that..ir scared you..but just as he said that a black and white character struted out onto the stage.At first you thought it was a costume but as you studied him,or it closer you could see what looked like...solid ink...?"what the..". "Bendy,introduced your self too the crowd!"he said giving him a slight nudge soon after bendy spoke with a smooth voice "Heya!Im Bendy!the dancin demon!"This sent the crowd into awe only to have then cheer again.
"Thank you bendy"Joey said sending him off with a flick of his hand."Next we have you friend your usual goof off...." there was a drumroll on the speakers."BORIS THE WOLF!!"Soon after a "wolf" made of the same substance as bendy came our,her wore overales and remind2d me of someone..he spoke up"Hey there fellas!Im your good friend,Boris the wolf!"he waved the crowed aweing at the same time.As bendy did he went off the stage."And finally,we have the beautiful,the loved,the ADORED...."You lay your head on your hand waiting for a cat or somthing.."ALICE ANGEL!!" Your heart stopped as a beautiful...well..Angel!walked onto the stage.She was black and white and had a halo above her head.With what seemed like horns and a tight black dress that hugged her figure..she looked about your age..your mibd started too wander-"wait-wtf [Y/N]! Shes a friggin cartoon character!" You sighed putting you head in your hands only too look back up in awe as she spoke "Hello beauties ,Im Alice Angel!"Her
Voice was smooth like silk and put you in a trance,then she started to walk off-"wait..did she just wink at me??" You shook your head,you must have seen things...

Finally the event was over and people were rushing to get joeys autograph, you wondered why he didnt let us meet the characters.. [Y/N] rushed to get a spot and as soon as you got one you were shoved down violently scraping you hands drawing blood and the elbow hitting your eye as you felt it start to darken in pain..the person who shoved you you could make out,but you knew if you tried to get in line again,you wouldnt get too see him in time... You held your stinging hands and sulked off elsewhere with your bag feeling quite disappointed..after abour an hour you still styck around the Convention Center
[Y/N] sighed "it wouldnt have mattered anyway..he would just see me as another fan and turn down my art.." You sat down on the curb taking out your sketch book and drawing one of the characters you had made for one of Mr. Drews cartoons"Welp..today could have been worst.." What [Y/N] didnt notice was the shadowed figure creeping up on her..

to be countinued..

Yandere Alice Angel x Female Reader •Don't Forget Me•Where stories live. Discover now