What is lost and gone

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I jerked forward screaming and throwing my body from the paralyzing state of sleep it was in. Wh-what the hell- My heart felt like it was to pound out of my chest and my entire body drenched in sweat.

      My head swung around and my eyes darted around the dark room realizing I was on a couch, I'm-I'm not- "Oh thank god..!"

      Tears welled in my eyes and my muscles all ached with sudden relief only to be filled by numbness. I held my face with my hands and held my knees to my chest, a light flashed on and I whipped my head to see Henry standing in the doorway.

      "(Y/N)?! What-what is it!?" He was holding a bat and halfway asleep. Staring at him I just began to bawl again. Henry notices and quickly lost his original tension.

     "Oh... was it the dream..again?" He asked in a concerned tone. I managed to nod while sobbing, Henry dropped the bat and walked over to comfort me holding my head to his shoulder. I let my shoulders sag and let my body lean into him.

      It's been two years... And every wretched day I have that damn nightmare.. I'm so lucky to have Henry, he's been like a big brother to me. Looking out for me and even becoming roommates to help me through my trauma.

    The nightmares weren't the only effects of that day.. throughout each day I would have flashes that the world around me was melting and degrading to ink .

     "(Y/N)... it's been two years... you need to see some kind of help- a-therapist or something.." he held me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes with a concerned glint.

    I wiped my eyes even though they still watered . "I-I just can't.., not since.. since.." I held my hand over my mouth. His eyes held disappointment. "(Y/N)..." "No..." I muttered. "I tried I TRIED! I told the one person I thought I could always rely on but.."

I was running again.. I never seemed to stop running it looks like... I ended up leaving Henry behind and just.. ran.. I finally arrived at a public bus and happened to have just enough pocket to change to get back to my hometown.

    I sat on the bus my eyes strained to a dark red color, some asked me if I was ok but I just kept silent. Running... I ran again.. and again...and again.

      The old apartment building almost seemed unrecognizable since the time I had last seen it. I was inside and banged on the door.. "Mom!- mom please open up-" the door opened up to reveal a sleep ridden mother whose eyes suddenly shot open.

   " (Y-Y/N)..?" She stuttered my name in almost disbelief- I pushed my way into the small apartment. I turned and slammed the door behind me. "(Y/N?! A-are you ok?" Her eyes glistened with worry and fear as she held a hand out to me. I flinched away.

    "M-mom there it-" Pacing back and forwards I explained all that I saw and everything that happened, my body felt relief to let go of the memory only for it to swell back up with anxiety when I looked up at my mother.

      Her faced was faced downward and fists balled up. "M-mom?" I asked concerned. "You never called... never visited.. you broke your sisters heart.. you broke my heart. And now you have the audacity to come here and blab these- these, absurd lies?!? Are you mental?!?" She yelled at me and I took a shocked step back soon noticing the bruises on her arms.

     Dad...Frustrated tears welled in her eyes. The sound of a door opening drew my attentions away as I saw my little sister walk out half asleep and rubbing her eyes.

    My body felt numb.. she was so much more older and.. mature than I last saw her. "Mom what's going.." her hand fell to her side when she saw me.

     "(Y/N)..? Oh my god (Y/N)!!" Her eyes glistened with tears as she raced forward pulling me into a tight embrace. I could barely move but managed to wrap my arms around her.

     "You're back-y-you're Really back! Please tell me your not leaving again..." she looked at me with pleading eyes and my heart felt as tho it would shatter into millions of pieces.

    I tried to say something by I couldn't I just couldn't.. she let go of me and smiled. Mom finally spoke up. "Honey we'll talk about this later-go back to bed for now.." she calmly told her. (S/N) nodded still having a bright smile on her face.

    "Goodnight (Y/N)- I'm really glad you came back.." she yawned again and head back to her room. I felt almost devastated not realizing how long I've really been gone.

   "M-mom.... I-I'm so..so sorry I didn't rea-" she silenced me with a motion of her hand, her other one massaging her temples in frustration. "I... don't ever want to see you here again after tonight... from now on you are no child of mine and mean nothing to this family.

     Don't ever try to contact your sister or me ever again.. now get out." Her voice was cold and unforgiving, my entire body was flooded with dread and my heart dropped.

    "M-mom I-" "Get out of my home now." She repeated with no hesitation. My eyes started to water once more. She looked up and in her eyes were so many emotions.

     Anger and betrayal shone the brightest though. I shook my head not believing it and turned quickly to the door opening it. Walking out I felt everything I'd ever known before the studio slipping away.. My own mother has turned her back on me.

     I'm losing my entire life... I don't deserve any better than this.. Shutting that door shut me off from almost everything and everyone.
                   End of flashback

I felt almost nothing. All I could do was lean into Henry and cry.

Yandere Alice Angel x Female Reader •Don't Forget Me•Where stories live. Discover now