•Midnight "Snack"•

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                        •No POV•
You had followed Alice to the commons area, it seemed quite big and furnished. There were lounging chairs and tables, next to them a smaller kitchen and supply storage.

" What kind of tea do you enjoy? We have Jasmine, Sleepy-time , Cinnamon, Raspberry-" you interrupted her "Do you have Chamomile?" You asked, she looked at you and nodded beginning the tea.

You stepped into the kitchen observing Alice move quickly and swiftly-it was actually kind of elegant the way she moved. She turned to looked your way so you quickly averted your eyes feeling a blush creep up on you (S/C) face. You moved in closer quietly to observe what she was doing-
although you should have probably stayed back..
she turned and rammed straight into you a  spoon of sugar went flying.

You both lay there kind of dazed , a sudden blush of embarrassment flooded you as you realized you were pinning her body down with yours, and certain areas were closer than probably necessary. You quickly stood up and straightened yourself out.

She stood up as well brushing off her dress. Both of us had obvious blush- "I-I'll make the-the tea-" she stuttered and turned cleaning up the mess- you quickly exited feeling embarrassed and also slightly..disappointed?

You sat down and waited for the tea..

            • Small time skip ;w;•
Sharing tea with Alice afterwards actually wasn't too awkward! You guys had fun and laughed- she really does like to ramble but you didn't mind much.
She was actually quite cute when she went on about something she cared about. Soon (Y/N) and Alice parted ways and went off to their own rooms.

                       •Y/N POV•
I can't believe it!First I get excepted into my dream job- then I make awesome friends with the people there! And maybe.. even more than a friend?

I walked back to my room and about to enter when I suddenly hear.. arguing? I followed the noise to some stairs and followed them down. " you can NOT be serious!!!"

Barely you heard bits and pieces of the conversation. "I- BOSS - DONT EVEN- or else..."

Moving closer I could finally piece together whole sentences. "You know what? I'm done! You are crazy, do you know how dangerous trying to progress with this could be! I mean think about your employs! When the council hears about thi-" I heard a loud whack and crack my heart stopped.

"No...trust me.. you won't be informing anyone anytime soon.." I heard some sort of stabbing sound and the smell of..ink? Filled my nostrils.Leaning closer into the door to get a better look a floor board squeaked loud breaking the dead silence, I pulled back as soon as the mans head turned up M-mr Drew..?!

I had only gotten a small glimpse at the perp "WHOS THERE!?SHOW YOURSELF!!" In fear of being caught I took off back up the stairs stumbling my heart racing-

Quickly I turned a corner taking off to my room and slamming the door.Held up against the door I heaved in big breaths inhaling and exhaling. W-was that...no I-it couldn't be.. You breathed in calming down

"I'm just tired..my heading must be playing tricks on me.."

You stood up and walked over to the bed with (F/C) sheet and plunked down onto the soft covering.

You positioned yourself in bed and slowly fell into a deep sleep..

                      •??? POV•
No....she can't know...AGHHH- this messes my whole plan up!Erghh... it's fine..I'll- I'll just find someway to get rid of her.... haha..yes...

To be countinued

Yandere Alice Angel x Female Reader •Don't Forget Me•Where stories live. Discover now