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"Haha!" I laughed in bliss as Alice and I stumbled through the halls of the studio.

"Pshhh Henry was SOO mad, hahah! Remind me why we don't prank him more often?" She mimicked wiping away a tear and her laughter died down as well as mine.

My smile slowly turned to a frown, why is my head aching so bad.. I stared at the ground while we walked the hallways.

Alice gently took my face in her hand and turned my face towards her. Her warm smile soothes my head some. "You know I love you, right?" She asked.

I chuckled a bit closing my eyes. "Yeah of course I-" opening my eyes I saw an almost dismantled version of Alice for a split second, "Gah-!"

I jerk away from her and her hand as she quickly returned to her original form with a confused look on her face.

"(Y/N)?- what's wrong my dear..?" My heart pounded as I groaned from another ache seizing my heading. I looked up as she advanced towards me- another flash of the other Alice- I jumped farther back and studied the walls.. ink oozed from the cracks and started to surround my feet.

Alice on the other hand had a crazed look, she was melting... an eye missing and many other deformed features..

"A-Alice..??" I almost stared in fear. The other reality came back and she was her beautiful self again. ".. (N/N-nickname) calm down, everything is all right.." she held my hands in hers.

I panted heavily and looked into her eyes.. "N-...NO!- "I pushed her away. "N-none of this is r-real- you... you aren't real-" Alice had a dark look on her face and looked down to the ground.

"(Y/N).... you're just tired- come I will take you to lay down.." her limbs slowly thinned and fingers sharpened and she reached towards me, before I knew it ink was rushing towards me- with a racing heart I ran and she made a deafening shriek.

"(Y/N)-!!! COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" She moved inhumanly fast with waves of ink following. My head pounded- my lungs, they screamed at me to stop running!

The halls.. it's-it's as if they go on forever.. I ran.. and I ran.. my legs began to tired but I kept pushing. The reality was fazing in and out. "Nooo! This-none of this is real she isn't here- I'm not here!!!" I shook my head and in the very distance I saw the door.

I felt the ink lapping at my heels, dripping from all around me.. but I couldn't stop. I'm so close.. I got closer and closer. It's right there- a ginormous hole suddenly cracked open sucking me in and then restraining my limbs- "A-ahhh!"

The ink covered the door and all I could see, the only figure I could see was.. Alice.. her smile was crooked- eyes flaming with corrosion. Laying upon me as if a predators to a prey.

She leaned forward her face inches from mine and my face once again in her hands grip but different from the first time.. her grip was violent and unlike before.

"My sweet (Y/N).. so quick to leave.. so quick to leave me..the studio.." my eyes began to tear "No- nonono I never wanted to- I-I didn't have a choice-"

I gasped as she moved her mouth to my ear. I shivered as her cold breath brushed me and she whispered in a seductive tone. "You always had the choice.. and now-"

I cringed as she dragged her cold and ink ridden tongue through the inside of my ear. "- now the decisions up to me-!"

Ink suddenly surrounded me, inserting itself through my mouth and invading my lungs. I tried to scream but only chocked and gurgled.

The ink- it-it's absorbing my body- I began the cry and vision suddenly went dark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•

Yandere Alice Angel x Female Reader •Don't Forget Me•Where stories live. Discover now