Chapter two

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The carriage arrived, and to Annabelle's surprise her Aunt, Lady Cantrell, was inside.

"Aunt Augusta! But I thought I was..."

"To what child? Travel alone to London without proper escort? I know your Mother would never see to such details but I shall not have your name ruined before you even set foot in London. The rumor mill would be a buzz. Are you packed?"

"Yes, Aunt."


"My Lady?"

"Please see to it that her belonging are placed on the coach."

"Yes, Marm." Albert immediately began to instruct the servants to carry out her orders.

Juliana and Clara came down the stairs wishing to say their good-byes. Both equally surprised to see Lady Cantrell standing in the foyer.

"Aunt Augusta!" Clara ran down the steps and very unceremoniously hugged her Aunt. Lady Cantrell looked a bit distressed by such an open display of affection.

She pulled Clara away and held her at arm's length. Despite her awkwardness it was evident that she doted on the youngest Bentley child. She stroked Clara's cheek with the back of her fingertips. "My how you have grown. You look so much like your Father. Do not worry my dear you will be coming on your own trip to London soon enough. In the meantime, I expect you to continue with your studies and listen well to your governess."

"May I come and visit with you Aunt, you and Annabelle, sometime during the season?" Clara asked hopefully.

"I do not see how there will be time and the weather is not always permitting but perhaps in the spring, if your Mother agrees."

Clara took this as a possible yes, which was all the encouragement she needed. She longed for an adventure.

"Speaking of which where is your Mother?" Both Annabelle and Clara looked at one another neither wishing to say. Thankfully Juliana stepped in. "Lady Bentley is still sleeping, as she was entertaining late into the evening."

Lady Cantrell caught the emphasis on the word "entertaining" and immediately bristled. "Of all the inconsiderate, spoiled..." she took a deep breath to calm herself.

Once she was calm she grabbed both Annabelle's and Clara's hand in hers. "Make this into a lesson girls. A true lady does not act as your mother acts. She knows her place in this world and commands attention. She does not have to seek it at every turn, or coerce it be hers. She knows it to be her right and her suitors need not be entertained."

"Yes, Aunt August," the girls said in unison.

"Now, we really must be on our way."

"So soon Aunt? Can you not stay for something to eat before you go?" Clara inquired.

"We really must get on the road, child. It is a long journey ahead of us and I really see no reason to delay."

Annabelle looked at her younger sister Clara and Juliana with a heavy heart. As exciting as this next chapter in her life may be, she would miss them terribly.

She hugged her sister and did not want to let go. Juliana embraced them both. "This is not good-bye, not really. I am certain we will see one another again. Oh Annabelle, I hope you find what you are looking for."

Annabelle instantly thought of the letter, which currently was placed in her reticule she had by her side. "Thank you. Thank you, for...everything." Finally finding the strength to break apart from them, she followed her Aunt outside and climbed aboard the carriage. Albert closed the door behind her. "Take Care, Miss."

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