Chapter Eleven

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Annabelle awoke knowing today was the day. Soon Ms. Pratt would be opening her curtains and she'd be expected to jump out of bed, wash, and dress for the important occasion.

She looked over at the dress with the train that required three yards of fabric draped over the chest at end of her bed.  Placed there along side with her undergarments, stockings, shoes and gloves. By her vanity hung her veil adorned with 2 white plume feathers for when her hair was arranged. After today she would no longer be allowed to wear her hair down in public.

Annabelle restlessly rolled over in her bed. She knew she should be thinking of what was right for her family but instead her mind drifted to Mr. Kane. "No! Annabelle. No more!" she said, punching her pillow.

She should be thinking of how not to make a fool of herself at court, but instead she thought nothing except of Mr. Kane's kiss. She rolled over and screamed a muffled scream into her pillow.

Today any dream of finding the ideal man in that letter dies. Today she will be presented at court and tonight starts her foray into the marriage mart. By the Season's end if not sooner she will be engaged or married. Today was the day all her dreaming comes to an end.

Ms. Pratt knocked on the door and was surprised to be bid to enter. She found Annabelle sitting at the vanity table brushing out her long hair. "You are up early, Miss," she said taking the brush from her and continuing for her.

Annabelle's eyes met Ms. Pratt's in the mirror and Ms. Pratt was quick to look away. She had seen the sadness in Annabelle's eyes. She knew Annabelle had been putting on a brave face these last few weeks wanting to please her Aunt who opened her home to her and gave her this opportunity. But she also knew faced with reality this would be hard for Annabelle. She was such a romantic soul. Ms. Pratt wished with all her heart that the man who captured her did truly end up loving her.

In about an hour, Annabelle was descending the staircase. Aunt Augusta who had been busy setting everything in place for tonight's ball, waited at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, Annabelle you truly are a vision. You are going to captivate them all."

Annabelle smiled at her Aunt, she did not believe she would survive this ordeal without her. When she stood in front of her, her Aunt turned her around and as Ms. Pratt held up her veil, Lady Cantrell attached a beautiful strand of pearls around her niece's neck.

Annabelle's hand gingerly came up to touch them. Her gloved hand could not appreciate the cool smoothness she felt upon her neck. Lady Cantrell turned her back around. "Now your look is complete."

Annabelle kissed her Aunt's cheek. She took a deep breath and said, more confidently than she felt, "I am ready."

The streets to St. James' Palace came to a grinding halt as the carriages filled with the women both married and unmarried who were to be presented today, queue on up. While the onlookers pressed in to get a glimpse of all the pageantry. Making the path excruciating slow.

Aunt Augusta reached out and took her niece's hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze. "We shall be there soon."

Annabelle just nodded but turned to look out the window and again thought only of Mr. Kane. She wished he could have been invited to the ball. What she would not give to be able to dance and be held in his arms just once. Just once, so she could take that memory and let it sustain her throughout the years.

The carriages pulled up outside of the palace and the participants were escorted inside to wait in the palace's antechambers. It would seem they were in for another long wait, Annabelle felt a bit lightheaded from the lack of refreshments. One or two of the women waiting had passed out and needed to be revived.

It was easy to pick out who were going to be presented by their white or cream-colored gowns and feathered plumes, some even held bouquets. They knew their time was getting closer when they were asked to come to the corridor where a Lord-in-Waiting stood with his wand taking their trains from their left arms and spreading it out behind them.

Annabelle tried not to cringe when she seen the Lord who was there to help her was Lord Foxcroft. She wondered who he paid or bamboozled to get this exact position. He smiled at her but then frowned when she refused to acknowledge him and walked straight away into the Throne Room.

She paused and waited for her name to be announced.

"Lady Annabelle Bentley"

She took a deep breath and walked forward. Executed her courtly bow to perfection and kissed her Majesty's hand. To her surprise Queen Charlotte, said "Lady Annabelle Bentley, I am informed you are an artist."

Annabelle was not prepared for questions, but stood and said, "Yes, an amateur but yes."

"Humble. I like that," Queen Charlotte said smiling at her.

"Do you ever paint portraits?"

"I...I have sketched quite a few, but no your Majesty I have not painted a portrait."

"I see. I have wanted to have miniatures of the family done as a gift for the King. Perhaps some time you will share with me your sketchbook so I may decide if you are well suited for the task?"

Annabelle nearly fainted at the very idea of drawing for the Queen. It wasn't until she had seen the Queen smiling at her expectantly that she realized she had failed to answer. "Y..Yes, your Majesty. Whenever you wish."

"Wonderful," the Queen said and nodded to her signaling that the conversation had concluded. Annabelle bowed deeply again in front of the Queen and the Queen gifted her with a kiss on her cheek.

Annabelle rose and curtseyed again as both Princess Amelia and Princess Sophia had been in attendance and were standing near by. Annabelle retired backwards, in an series of curtsies until she reached the doorway, where her train was placed once again upon her arm. She had done it. It was complete.

Aunt Augusta was positively beaming at her. "She spoke to you."

Annabelle nodded still dazed by the experience. "How did she know I was an artist?"

"I had mentioned it in your application. Never had I thought it be the reason she chose to see you."

Annabelle laughed, nearly giggled. "Can you imagine? Me? An artist to the Royal family?"

"You are a favorite now. No doubt about it. Come let us get you home, fed and rested before tonight's ball."

At the mention of the ball the spell of the moment was broken. That's right, the ball. It was done. She was officially presented and therefore primed for the marriage mart.

The joy she felt at being recognized as an artist in front of the royal court and her Majesty was replaced by the desolation of knowing Mr. Kane was from now and forever more beyond her reach. 

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