Chapter Seven

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Annabelle glanced at the clock. It was nearly nine and she was feeling quite exhilarated despite the rocky start to her morning. He was here. She could not believe her good fortune. She had hoped he would accompany Mr. Harris when he returned but here Mr. Kane was on his own.

She thought of that secret smile hidden at the corner of his mouth. Without giving thought Annabelle touched her own lips, and wondered what it would like to be kissed? What it would be like to be kissed by him?

She had thought she completely damaged her possibilities with foisting the letter upon him. Unable to think straight, she panicked. What would her Aunt think? What would her Aunt do if she discovered she had such a note on her person? Mr. Kane was her knight in shining armor saving her from the dragon. He did not hesitate. He immediately shielded her from harm. He was amazing.

She wondered if he read the letter. That would be a cause of much embarrassment, especially since she had no idea who had written it to her. Yet, she believed she was meant to be reading it when Mr. Kane had stumbled upon her. Her romantic heart just knew it must be fate.

However, after how he had left without even saying good-bye to her, her hopes were dashed and as her Aunt entered the room without Mr. Kane it would seem her hopes were to be dashed again.

"Aunt Augusta? Where is Mr. Kane?"

Her Aunt frowned, her intention was to come into this room and give her niece a sound verbal thrashing that she would even consider such a man. However, seeing the disappointment and hurt on her niece's face had her reconsider and take a softer approach.

"He had a prior engagement that had slipped his mind when he made his offer to join us. So, he is unable to stay. He asked me to convey his apologizes."

"Oh," Annabelle said quietly. She seemed so dispirited that Aunt Augusta had felt a slight pang of guilt about driving Mr. Kane away. Perhaps, she should let Annabelle learn on her own that Mr. Kane was not for her, but Annabelle was such a sweet and romantic child she did not want her to be exposed to such harsh realities.

Wishing to bring her to life again, Aunt Augusta had said, "You know we have had a very busy week, and I was thinking perhaps today, we would take some time to ourselves. I know you would like to work on that painting for Mr. Harris. I know how important it is to you."

Annabelle immediately brightened at the prospect of not being dragged around town and being able to work on her artwork again. "Oh, Aunt ... really? You do not mind?" She was certain her Aunt had made a full schedule for them.

"Not in the least. I have a few errands of my own to take care of and that will leave you free to do as you wish. I will meet you back here again for dinner."

Annabelle hugged her Aunt much to the woman's surprise. "Thank you so much! Thank you for understanding how much I needed this."

Aunt Augusta smiled and she tapped Annabelle's arm, which was currently wrapped around her neck. "You are welcome, child." The two enjoyed a nice meal together and as soon as her Aunt left the house Annabelle went running to get her paints and canvas.

Meanwhile, Cyril burst into Mr. Harris' Law Office quite miffed by his meeting with Lady Cantrell.

"Thunder an' Turf!" he swore and kick the chair behind his desk. "Of all the insufferable, pretentious..."

"Things did not go well I take it?" Mr. Harris asked, after watching his apprentice throw his case against the wall causing the papers contained within to fly from it and scatter across the room.

Cyril was startled not expecting Mr. Harris to be there. "I... Augh!" Mr. Cyril Kane was too out of control to even formulate a sentence. Until... "What are you doing back so soon? I thought you were gone for the day. It's not even ten and here you sit!"

"I left last night, business wrapped up quicker than I had anticipated," Mr. Harris lied.

Cyril's eyes narrowed on him and Mr. Harris squirmed slightly under his assessing gaze. "You set me up?!" he exclaimed, as the realization had hit him.

"Look just because you are in a dudgeon, does not mean you can take it out on me. Why not sit and tell me about what happened at Lady Cantrell's."

Just the name set Cyril off again. "She is the most domineering, pompous..." He went to be seated but felt so rambunctious it just could not be done. He began to pace the room as he spoke.

"I did as you asked. I brought the papers. Her niece had invited me to join them for refreshments after our business had concluded. I knew it was wrong to accept, but I did not want to disappoint her. So I accepted, and the moment her niece left the room, the inquisition started."

Mr. Harris could only imagine and had difficulty hiding his smile. He purposely furrowed his brow, folded his arms and ran a roughened hand over his lips in the pretense of trying to take all of this quite serious.

"So, what did she say?" Mr. Harris asked. The curiosity of what took place was killing him.

"She asked what my intentions towards her niece were?"

"Straight and to the point. What did you reply?"

"I told her I would like to make an offer for her niece's hand in marriage."

"And did she allow you... to make your offer?"

Cyril stopped pacing, "Are you daft? Of course, she did not. She said that although I may have set my cap at capturing her niece and therefore her fortune she had no intention of allowing her niece to be taken in by some rake."

"I?! A rake?! Can you imagine a more ludicrous statement than that?" Cyril asked, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation.

"No, I doubt I can," Mr. Harris said, trying hard to stifle a chuckle, with a cough.

Cyril was about as opposite a rake as one could possibly be. He would never entertain the idea of taking a woman carte blanche. He was the very definition of straight-laced. In fact, Mr. Harris believed the man probably more prudish than most women. He wouldn't know the first thing about how to court a woman, which is why he obviously thought to jump to the end and just ask to marry Lady Annabelle without proving himself worthy.

"So, how did you defend?" Mr. Harris asked, in business terms.

"I told her I did not need her money...that... I was not cucumberish...that I have assets and investments and even property. That... Lady Annabelle would want for nothing, and be well cared for."

"Forgive me for saying so, but I cannot help but notice you failed to mention how you feel about Lady Annabelle," Mr. Harris pointed out.

This once again stopped Cyril from wearing out the floorboards. He stood perfectly still and faced Mr. Harris. "Feelings?"

"Yes, my boy. You do HAVE feelings do you not?" Mr. Harris inquired rather cheekily.

Cyril looked utterly confused by the question. "How am I to know what I feel for a woman I have only had the pleasure of spending one afternoon with? I could scarcely say."

"Yet, you expect Lady Cantrell to hand over her niece, just like that, into your care?"

When put that way his declaration seemed rather foolish, but Cyril could not help but feel defensive. "Many a marriage match has been made on less. There would be plenty of time to get to know one another after we are attached. I know I would make her an excellent husband. I am not one to stray; I can keep her in the fashion she is accustomed too. What more could she want?"

Mr. Harris looked at Cyril with a look that could only be described as pity. "Oh, there is SO much more, Mr. Kane. What of love? Companionship? If not passion?"

"I am passionate about being the one to take care of her!" Cyril protested. "I want to protect her, keep her safe from the world. When I come home from dealing with the harsh realities of life I want to be refreshed by her innocence, and wide-eyed wonder. She possesses a true romantic's heart and therefore would be my daily reminder that not all of life is meant to be hard or cruel."

Mr. Harris blinked twice. He was astounded. That was perhaps the most impassioned speech that he has ever heard Cyril spout outside of court. "So, if that is how you feel, and you did not express it to either Lady Cantrell or Lady Annabelle, what do you propose to do now?"

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