Chapter Eight

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"What do I do now? What is there to do? According to Lady Cantrell I am beneath Lady Annabelle Bentley's touch. She will not have a "New Man" dangling after niece. I will never be chosen and I am never to set foot in her home again. I ask you, what is there to be done?"

Mr. Harris rose from his seat and approached Mr. Kane, he placed a hand on the young man's shoulder. "You fight."

"What?" Cyril asked in disbelief. "Did you not hear a word I have spoken? I have been banned from Lady Annabelle's existence the war is over before any battle has begun."

"Would you allow a judge to proclaim a man guilty that you knew to be innocent before you had a chance to plead his case?" Mr. Harris inquired.

"Of course, I would not. I would demand to be heard and I would defend him to the fullest extent of the law," Cyril said defiantly.

Mr. Harris just raised his eyebrow and waited for the, "Ah-Hah!" moment to take place. A few seconds later, Cyril said, "Oh, I see. I am that man."

Mr. Harris smiled. "You going to let yourself down? Or are you going to screw your courage to the sticking place and fight for what's right?"

Cyril sighed. "If you believe me to have options, I am open to listening to them."

An hour later, much to his own amazement he was standing on Lady Annabelle Bentley's doorstep. Somehow, Mr. Harris had talked him into it. He really was a brilliant lawyer and had Cyril all puffed up, believing he could do this, until this moment when he had knock on the door.

"What am I doing here? This is insanity." 

He was expected to take charge in a headstrong, cocksure way but now that he was here his confidence was fading fast.

"Mr. Kane?" the butler said, surprised to see him back so soon. "How may I be of service?"

"Is Lady Cantrell in? It is of utmost importance that I speak with her."

He'd seen the butler frown and wondered if Lady Cantrell had already given word that he was to be barred from coming in but instead Lady Luck had chosen to smile upon him.

"She is out currently, Mr. Kane. Lady Annabelle however is in, would you wish to convey your message to her?"

"Would I!?" Cyril thought but very calmly said, "Yes, thank you, that would be most helpful."

"Then come in, Mr. Kane." The butler stood aside and allowed him entrance, taking his hat and gloves. He placed them aside and said, "Follow me."

Cyril fell right in step with the older man. His heart began to race, his palms to sweat, never did he believe he would get this far and now that he was on the precipice he knew he must take the leap, it was now or never.

"A moment please," the butler said. He had lead him to the doors of where they last had tea. The fact that he would get to proclaim his feelings to her at the very same place he had first seen her was not lost on him. "Plead your case, Cyril," he whispered to himself, taking a deep breath and exhaling to calm his nerves.

Annabelle was surprised to see the butler who made and even more astonishing announcement. "A Mr. Kane to see you, Miss."

Shocked Annabelle dropped her brush. Thankfully, she wore a smock over her dress or it would have been ruined by the oil paint that smeared across it. The smock!  "Good Gracious!" Annabelle said, looking down at the stained garment and quickly undid the ties to remove it. She then shyly looked at her Aunt's servant, "Do I look alright?" The elderly man not use to being asked such questions just smiled and nodded.

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