Chapter 27

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Steve's POV

After Sophia went to sleep me and Natasha stayed up for awhile.

"Do you remember the last time Sam came over" I asked her.

"I don't know he didn't come for your birthday because he was sick. why?" she replied.

"Sophia asked me this morning. I think she misses him" I said.

"Well we can have him over some time. Maybe surprise Sophia" she said.

"That's not a bad idea. She has school tomorrow through" I said.

"If we call him maybe we could have him pick her up" Natasha suggested.

"Mondays are ice cream days" I said.

"We could meet them there" she said.

"Yep that's ok with me" I replied.

"Will call him in the morning" she said.

I nodded and we went to sleep.

Natasha's POV

I woke up to foot steps on the floor. I sat up and saw Sophia standing by the end of the bed. I looked at the alarm clock and read 2:48. Then looked back at Sophia.

"What's the matter sweetie" I whispered trying not to wake up Steve.

"I can't sleep through the noise" she said.

"What noise" I asked.

"Mr. Tony is outside with two men and there being noise" she complained.

"Who could he have over" I questioned.

She shrugged her shoulders. I got out of bed and put on my robe. I walked to Sophia's room with her and looked out the window. Sure enough Tony, Client, and Bruce where outside.

"There noise mommy" she said rubbing her eyes.

"Well there not going to stop so why don't you sleep mommy and daddy's bed tonight" I said.

She nodded and I carried her back to my room and laid her down and we both fell asleep.

This time I woke up to the smell of bacon and they only one in the bed was me. I got out of bed and found bacon and eggs being cooked and Sophia eating a plate of bacon.

"Good morning mommy" Sophia said and motioned me to sit.

I walked over and sat down.

"Sophia why aren't you dressed" I asked.

"Oh right be right back" she said and ran to her room.

I smiled. A plate of food was sat in front of me. I looked up at Steve. He sat down and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Sophia came running back in. Gave me and Steve a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. Then Steve's phone rang.

"Hello... hey did you get my message.... oh great... that sound perfect..... yeah she real misses you... ok see you then... ah bye" he hung up. "That was Sam I called him earlier. He said that he would pick her up and bring her to the ice cream shop."

"Great. But one problem we didn't tell her she was getting picked up" I said.

"I'll call her and see if she answers" he said and got his phone back out. He told her and hung up.

Sophia's POV

After school

I walked out of the school.

"Want to walked home together?" Marcus asked.

"I would but I'm getting picked up and it's ice cream day" I said.

"Ok see you later" he said and hopped down the stairs.

I looked around for my parents car. Then I car pulled up to the building. The window rolled down and it was SAM!

"Excuse me miss do you know where I can find a Sophia Rogers around here" he said.

"Right here" I said an got in his car.

I smiled and gave him a hug.

"A big bird told me I was being missed" he said.

"You where totally being missed. I so glad to see you" I said smiling.

"I'm glad to see little Miss Rogers too" he said.

"Are you taking me out for ice cream or are we skipping that today" I asked.

"We are going to meet your parents there" he said.

"Cool" I replied.

We drove the rest of the way to the ice cream shop. When we parked I got out and gave him a big hug. I missed him a lot.

"I think we beat your parents. Witch is a first for me with your dad" he said.

"Here they come" I said pointing to there car coming down the road.

Daddy parked on the 'left' side of him.

"On your left" daddy said getting out of the car.

"At least I beat you here" he said.

"You two with the left thing" mommy and making fun of them.

"Did you like your surprise Sophia" daddy asked.

"Oh yes" I said with I smile.

We walked in and got are ice cream. We all talked about every little thing. Then we where done and walked back outside.

"Is Sam coming home with us" I asked.

"Sadly not. I'm really busy today" Sam said.

"Oh" I said looking at the ground.

"Hey" he said and picked me up, "I'll see you again real soon ok."

"Ok" I said and gave him a hug.

"Come on Sophia we got to get dad to work" mom said.

He put me down and I waved goodbye and he waved back. I got in the car and we drove dad to work.

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