Chapter 15

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‘...’ – speech in wolf form

“...” – speech in human form

Chapter 15

   As much as I wanted to stay there with him, I knew we had to get back to the pack. I could tell he wanted to spend as much of the next few days around his family before we left for the six months of being with mine.

   Strolling back in the last light of day, Blake was starting to show signs that he might become a little overprotective over the next coming months but I knew I would have to make him see that I was capable of this without his watchfulness. Holding his head very proudly and I holding mine down level with my back; we came prowling into camp by the river with very different auras about us.

   Lexi could tell something was out of place and she came over to ask if everything was alright between Blake and me.

   ‘It’s fine, Lex. We had a little row but it was nothing big. You had to bring it out didn’t you?’ I added accusingly.

   ‘I am sorry, but the sooner he knows the better for you both. I only meant it in the kindest way, Layla.’

   ‘I know, but I didn’t feel ready. Maybe you’re right though so no harm done.’ I chuckled as I looked over at Blake and Samson. ‘You know this pup would be Samson’s cousin, he’ll have another playmate again.’

   Lexi shook her head with sorrow. ‘Maybe, but only for half a year. They will barely know each other. That will be a hard thing to do, Layla. Running around every six months with a pup that relies on you,’ she said.

   I hadn’t thought of it like that. ‘I’ll think of something, Lexi. I’m going to have to.’ We strolled over to our mates, and as we both embraced them I saw how she looked at me with saddened eyes but a softened smile on her lips (it was hard to tell but it was there).

   ‘You alright?’ Blake whispered.

   ‘I will be.’


   Howling as I ran along the bank of the river, I hoped I would find someone of my pack soon. The land around the river declined gradually, and as I jumped over one of its meandering corners, I saw a grey wolf stand up from taking a drink. I would have noticed them before but their coat blended in so well with the greyness of the water that they only stood out when they stood up above the long grass.

   Seeing a member of my pack made me sprint in a sudden burst of exhilaration. Barking, I wanted to know where the rest were but they might be out hunting somewhere. The grey wolf howled back and ran over to lead us off to the rest of our pack; I thought it was most likely to be Harvey but I didn’t ask.

   Looking over my shoulder, I saw Blake keeping up easily as ever but he did look guarded of his movements.

   ‘Blake, it will be fine,’ I yapped to him.

   ‘I know. I just don’t know your family like you know mine.’

   Just then, we were joined by the barking of a few more wolves, only this time I recognised one of them straightaway.

   ‘Jasper!’ I shouted and when he reached me, we jumped around each other in elation.

   ‘Layla! It’s about time. I thought you might have changed your mind.’

   I snorted. ‘About being with my brother again? That’s ridiculous. Where is everyone?’ I asked noticing the absence of the majority.

   ‘They’re around.’ We began running again as he continued. ‘It’s so much better with dad being Alpha. Everyone loves it; we get to go off whenever we like to find food and he doesn’t mind when we come back like the day after or anything. Things are much better now.’

   I was glad that was the case. Living with Tyson as Alpha was so hard, he would discipline anyone for going off and not returning by the night.

   ‘I have some news for you too, but you’ll have to wait until later.’

   ‘Awww, seriously?’ I nodded. ‘Fiiine, I’ll wait.’

   And it was for the best that he did, as just then the rest of the pack came into view from north of the river. It was such a change seeing my father at the front rather than somewhere among the others; I howled and sprang deep into their ranks when they were close enough and ran around in sharp circles with a few.

   ‘Alright, calm down everyone. Layla.’ My dad stepped between two of the others and looked me over with those wise eyes I was so used to.

   ‘Dad,’ I exhaled.

   ‘Welcome back. Where is your other half?’ he questioned as he looked around. Copying him, I scanned around the pack; Blake wasn’t there.

   ‘Let me find him. Blake!’ I called as I ran back the way I’d just come. His bark reached me and I found him wondering slowly over still. ‘What are you doing? Are you hurt?’ I asked unsure if he might have sprained an ankle or knee.

   ‘No, I’m not hurt. Just wanted you to have some time with your family before I take all their attention.’

   ‘Oh, I see. Well hurry up, I don’t want them to think you’ve changed your mind.’

   ‘Shall we then?’ He gestured for us to make our way back to my pack so he could meet them formerly.

   ‘Dad, this is Blake.’ My father now stood in front of us and Blake lay on the ground beside me to show he wasn’t going to be a threat.

   ‘You don’t need to do that, Blake. You’re my daughter’s mate and I know you will respect her family; as we will you.’

   ‘Of course. May I speak with you later?’ he asked, and with a short glance at me, I knew what he was referring to.

   As I needed to talk to dad about more than having a pup, I hastily intervened. ‘No, Blake, I will. Please.’

   ‘What is going on?’ my father asked confused.

   I lowered my voice. ‘I have some news to tell you, but I have some issues I want you to help me with too.’

   ‘You don’t need to ask. We will speak later then, Layla.’ And he padded off to lead the pack south still.

   Letting my dad walk out of earshot, Blake waited before he turned to me. ‘What was that about?’

   I walked as I explained to him. ‘I need to talk to dad about more than what you need to, so I may as well tell him everything in one go.’

   ‘Oh? And what is that other stuff?’

   ‘Nothing you need to worry about yet, Blake. I’ll tell you in time,’ I added, lifting my head up and knowing he will hate being kept in the dark.

   He dashed up so he was now treading next to me. ‘I don’t like this. Why won’t you tell me now? Is it to do with me?’ In his questioning, I could tell he was worried I was about to push him out or away and keep him from knowing my pack like I knew his.

   ‘No, it isn’t you. It’s nothing to do with you, yet. But it will be when...’ I paused and looked down at my belly so he knew what I meant.

   Shaking his head, he was still unclear. ‘Don’t you want it?’ he asked, slight grievance in his tone.

   ‘Blake, I do; but there are a few problems that will come with having a kid. I’ll explain soon, I promise,’ I said gently while placing my head under his.

   ‘Alright, and I shouldn’t pressure you like that either. But I’m here if you need me.’

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