Chapter 19

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‘...’ – speech in wolf form

“...” – speech in human form

Chapter 19

   I didn’t dream that night, or the night after or any night for the next week or so. In the end, I stopped my dreamful expectations and carried on believing that I wasn’t going to have that particular dream for awhile now that I had told it to Blake. He had also started to notice that my nights were more restful and I no longer shuffled in my sleep or wake up in fright.

   Right now, I was wondering how Blake was getting along with my family; scanning around, I spotted him sitting with Jasper and they were talking away in a manner that any onlooker would presume as two brothers having a conversation and not two strangers. Seeing as there was no possibility of them suddenly turning on each other, I thought to go for a jog around the plains that we were now wondering about.

   Not running at full pelt, I was careful how I moved though my mum kept telling me I was being too careful but I didn’t want to cause my unborn baby any stress or harm. The bump on my belly was becoming more protruded over the weeks and I became more nervous about it all, though Blake seemed very proud over it and not showing any worries.

   A few more weeks passed and I was looking very bloated and tried not to do too much running or sprinting which was annoying for me as that’s something I really enjoyed doing. Blake was becoming more protective and watchful as ever and sprang right by my side whenever I began to get cramps or kicking from inside me. It became more exciting (I wasn’t always frantic about being pregnant) though I just wanted it to be over with.

   Finding it harder to change between my forms, I made the rightful decision of staying in my natural shape while I remained pregnant. My mum also stayed close by too and helped with any issues or questions I had. She was twice as experienced as any of the other females in the pack and I faintly remembered not seeing her as a human for years now; she and dad had their many reasons for not changing and no one ever questioned them over it.

   Walking beside her now, I let more things off my chest. ‘I’m worried, not about it now, but about how I’m going to be after,’ I confessed.

   ‘It will all be fine; but I won’t want you to go after your six months with us and not with my grandchild. I’ll barely get to know him or her before you go.’ My mum was good with youngsters and babies, whenever any of the females in the pack had gotten pregnant my mum would always be there to give them advice or help, or so I had been told from when I was little. ‘Must you go?’ she asked with a saddened tone.

   ‘You know I have to, that’s what we arranged; but dad wants to speak with Kai before we leave you properly. Hasn’t he told you?’

   She chuckled. ‘You know your father and I don’t discuss stuff like that. He has his duties and has little time to talk to me, but I can tell when he needs a break.’ She paused and looked around, holding her head proudly. ‘What was it he is meant to have told me?’

   ‘About bringing the two packs together, as one big one. I think it’s a good idea but it will only happen if Kai and his pack agree to it. You’ve seen how Blake is; well Kai is like ten times as proud and reserved as him. I want this to work; it will stop this running around that Blake and I have to do and also my pup won’t be caught between the two if they remain separate. I want to bring it up without the need for travelling and missing out on being with Jasper or Samson or the rest of my two families while it’s with the other.’

   ‘Hmmm.’ She stopped and licked down her right forepaw. ‘I can’t fully empathise with you, Layla; but you are my daughter and I want you to be happy with whatever decision you make, I just don’t want to lose you and have you go to another pack. You know how I feel about that. Imagine if Jasper was in your shoes instead, and you were looking on as I do with you. You wouldn’t want to be without him in your life, but at the same time you don’t want him to be miserable. We shall just have to hope that your dad and Blake’s can sort this out, but if it comes down to the packs’ decisions then I do not know.’ She left it there as she sauntered off with a last glance over her shoulder at me.

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