Boyf riends

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"Jeremy where's my shot gun!,"Michael shouted,eyes fixed on the television screen in front of the two males. "Bitch you dropped it in danger corner while yelling 'every man left behind fuck dis!'. Thanks by the way," Jeremy ranted. "Sorry dude. Rest in peace shot gun Jerry,"He said, wiping a fake tear from his eyes. Jeremy rolled his eyes and shot Michael in the game. "Head shot!,"Jeremy shouts in victory. "Dude what the fuck?! I thought you loved me!,"Michael wines. "You did?,"Jeremy joked. Michael punched Jeremy's arm. But he wasn't laughing. He had a frown on his face.

Jeremy felt like he had messed up big. Ever since the whole Halloween party disaster, Michael hasn't treated jokes like that the same way. "No,Michael it was a joke I didn't mean-," the words didn't come out of his mouth fast enough because Michael was already exiting the room. Jeremy jumped up and ran out the after him. "Michael I'm sorry!,"Jeremy shouts through out the house.

Jeremy heard sobbing in the bathroom and tried to forcefully open it. The door is locked. "Mikey please,"The tall teen pleaded while banging on the door. No answer.

I hadn't updated this in so long oops. But I barely have inspiration and ideas for these and I get stuck. If anyone wants to help me write these or share ideas for me to write one please do. Imma leave you hanging with this 200 word whatever this is. It's a draft I didn't finish.

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