Noah x Reader

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I sat in detention with Noah. I got us in trouble and I had yet to apologize for it. The teacher had left so we were alone. I knew he was mad at me. From the time we got in troubl til now he's kept our talking to a minimum. I did feel bad for what I did though. I always do bad things and I always get in trouble but I never bring others into it.

"Noah." I called him. He didn't turn to look at me. "Noah." I called again. He still didn't respond. I got fed up easily with this and slammed my hand on the desk. "Dammit Noah answer me before I rip your small intestine out through your anus!" I yelled. He turned to look at me. "Dude I'm sorry. I fucked up. I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I was doing a stupid thing." I sighed.

"Yeah well you do alot of stupid things. Why do you do them? I don't understand why you can't just talk to people when you have a problem with them or stay in your seat when you're asked too and not talk back to the teacher. You act like this all the time and I don't understand why you do it." He said looking at me angry.

"Its....just that....errr I—uhh...." I groaned looking down at my desk. "Whats wrong (Y/n)?" He asked. "Its stupid." I shook my head blushing. "Aww does (Y/n) have a crush." He teased. I groaned and put my head down burying it into my arms. "This is why I didn't want to tell you! I knew you were going to tease me." I yelled. That wasn't the fulk reason. Yes thats part of it but not the full thing. "So you did a stupid thing for a guy." He laughed slightly. "Thats Ok I've done some dumb things for a girl too. Like my hair." He pointed to his head.

"Yeah but you didn't get someone else in trouble over it. And its just a stupid guy. Its nothig serious."

"(Y/n), will you just talk to me about it? You don't have to say name or description of him but you can tell me how you feel about him." He said in a more serious tone. I lifted my head nodding. "I've know him for awhile and he's such a great person and I really like him but I don't think he could ever like someone like me." I sighed.

"(Y/n) you're amazing person. This guy would be lucky to have you. You may get into alot of trouble but you're still such an awesome person and friend." He said moving sests to be closer to me. "Lets just drop it." I blushed at his words. "No. Lets just talk about it. Talking about feelings is good." He said.

"I said drop it." I was getting irritated. "Listen (Y/n) I know that talking about your feelings is hard. You aren't used to someone listening. But I care. And I feel like this guy if the first decent guy you've liked since I've known you. There was that crazy guy who almost killed someone." "David." I thought to myself.

"And then there's the guy who did a bunch of cosplay and cheated on you for that girl he worked with." "Wes." I thought again. "This is a good thing for you. And I want you to be happy." He placed his hands on my shoulders.

I contemplated my next move for a good three seconds before I grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. It was a few short seconds before I pulled away and let my hands slowly detract from him. He sat there frozen for a second. "I'm....sorry." I said and turned back to the front.

"I've liked you for forever." I admitted. "You're smart and funny and brighten up a room. When we first met you were nerdy and I didn't think we'd be friends but we did become great friends. Opposites attract. Over time I grew a crush on you. I thought 'It means nothing. Its a stupid crush.' But its not. Its.....more than that. And I hate it." I brought my knees up to my chest and folded my arms over them.

"I hate feelings. They're mushy and weird and confusing." I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. "They are." He said. "Feelings are hard to understand but once you realize what it is you're feeling it makes sense." His voice was clear and caring. I looked at him and he had a small prominent smile.

He pulled me into a short kiss. "February of last year. Everyone was stressing about who their valentine was gonna be. You asked me why I wasn't freaking out and I said it was because I had my eyes on a girl who I didn't think was looking for anyone. I was talking about you. I asked you the same. You told me that you had your eyes on the same type of person." He said.

"For valentines day we bought all of the candy and ice cream we could and watched a bunch of cheesy romance movies. We made fun of them and laughed and danced like idiots. That was when I realized how I felt. I didn't understand the why I felt nervous around you. It was a different nervous." He laughed slightly.

"Not the 'Is she gonna beat my ass.' Type of nervous I had when we first met. It was the 'When will she notice me and/or kiss me.' Kinda nervous. The one you hate." He said. "I've liked you for awhile now. And I've wanted to tell you but I never thought you'd like me." He said.

"I like you. Alot. And I may be aggressive and rude, but I want to be with you. The nerdy and funny goofball guy I've know for awhile. And You better not be messing with me because this is the most vulnerable I've been infront of anyone ever." I said.

"Its ok I would never pretend to be into. That would just be cruel." He assured me. "So are we official?" I asked. He nodded. "If you want to be." He told me. "I'd love that." I smiled.

I rewrote this I think 5 or 6 times and it took forever for me to finalize this one. I'm not sure if I like it still. But whatever.

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