This is gotta be the same line but different from the last chapter, now it's Kanan's turn in this chapter.
Yavin 4
Next week
The Morning
The Ghost
Dawn is awake and she heard her door knocking.
"Dawn, wake up, get dress, today's your first day of Jedi Academy." Kanan said.
"Really?! Wow!" Dawn excited.
"Mira is also her first day to the Academy, you two will be happy there." Kanan replied as his daughter gets dressed.
Dawn is fully dressed and comes out of her room and get some breakfast.
After breakfast, Kanan and her daughter exit the ship and meet up with Master Skywalker.
The Hangar bay
While they head to Luke, they saw Ezra and Mira exit the Starbird.
"Ezra, Mira, glad you could make it." Kanan said to them.
"You too, Kanan." Ezra smile
"Hey Dawn." Mira said to Dawn and hug her.
"Hi Mira." she said with a smile and hug her back and broke the hug as the group head to Luke.
The Audience chamber
As the Family group enter the chamber, Mira and Dawn step forward and face Luke.
"Mira, Dawn, Welcome to the Jedi Academy, the other students will be here in a second, stick around and meditate." Luke said as they all wait.
Few seconds later, young students, Knights and Masters have enter the chamber and Mira and Dawn joins them and they all face Luke, the Knights, and Masters including Ezra and Kanan stand in the council spots.
"Welcome Students, to the Jedi Academy, first allow me to introduce to the new two students: Mira Wren Bridger and Dawn Syndulla Jarrus." Luke introduce.
"Hi everyone." Mira and Dawn introduce themselves in unison.
"Hi Mira and Dawn." all students introduced as Luke continuing briefing.
"Now then I gathered you all here today to learn the ways of the force and trained with a light saber, and all of you students need a Master." Luke briefed as he approached the zabrak boy and Theelin girl.
"Bob and Marlene, you will work with Master Kota." Luke said as he approached the mirialan girl and the human girl.
"Tara and Cindy, you will work with Master X2." Luke said as he approached the chiss girl and the pink twi'lek girl.
"Shirley and Sarah, you will work with Knight Marek." Luke said as he approached the pantoran girl and pink face togruta girl.
"Marion and Sonya, you will work with Master Katarn." Luke said as he approached the nautolan boy, the tholothian girl and Mira.
"Max, Mary, and Mira, you will work with Knight Bridger." Luke said as he approached the blue face togruta boy, the blue twi'lek girl and Dawn.
"Carlos, Lily, and Dawn, you will work with Master Jarrus." Luke said as he approached back to his center and face the students.
"Now then, approached your Master and begin your training, May the Force be with you." Luke finished and he bowed his head.
The students approached there Masters: Ezra and Kanan to begin there training.
"Alright, Max, Mary, and Mira, follow me to the training area." Ezra said as he lead his padawans to the training area.
"Alright, Carlos, Lily, and Dawn, follow me to the courtyard." Kanan said as they headed to the courtyard.
Kanan, his daughter, and his students arrive at the courtyard.
"Here we are, here we will meditate and focus the energy through the force on this moon." Kanan explained as he orders his students and his daughter to grab there pillows and sit down and close there eyes as Kanan did the same.
"Now, feel it...feel the energy around this moon...hear the waterfalls splashing around in the lake...hear the spirits whispering in the massassi reach out...breathe..." Kanan teaching as his students focusing through the force.
As Dawn and the students finished focusing through the force, they stand up and face Kanan.
"Alright, next I'm gotta teach you how to use your force powers." Kanan says as he points at the objects and training droids.
"The first force power you will do is force push, this power that will push objects and enemies, Dawn, show them." Kanan explained as he watch his daughter force push the objects and training droids.
"See? Now let me see you do it." Kanan says.
"Yes Master Jarrus." Carlos and Lily said as they approached them.
"Picture the objects and training droids in your mind." Kanan says as they concentrate and focus using force push, Carlos and Lily succeed using force push on objects and training.
"Not bad, well done Carlos and Lily, now next I will teach you is force pull, this power that you can pull objects and enemies right to you, Dawn show them." Kanan explained as his daughter shows Carlos and Lily how to use force pull as she did on objects and training droids.
She succeed and her father is impressed. "Well done Dawn, now Carlos and Lily, let me see you do it." Kanan says as the two students concentrating on the objects and training droids.
"Concentrate, picture them in your mind and use the force to pull them right to you." Kanan says as Carlos and Lily focusing on them and they come right to them.
"Very good, now you understand how to use your powers, here are your study holo books, study them and you will learn how to use new force powers you understand?" Kanan question.
"Yes Master Jarrus." Carlos and Lily said in unison as they grab there holo books.
"Alright, now class dismiss." Kanan says as Carlos and Lily exit the courtyard and Kanan look to his daughter.
"Dawn, want get something to eat, it's almost lunch time." Kanan asked.
"Sure Daddy." Dawn answered.
"Alright lets head to the cafeteria." Kanan says as he and his daughter exit the courtyard.
Sorry I took so long, it took me awhile to figure out while play my new Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PS4, so review me after you read this chapter.
Next Chapter: Jedi from the Rebellion returns.

Rebels Jedi Academy
FanfictionEzra and Sabine got married, Kanan and Hera got married, Ezra and Sabine had a daughter name Mira, Kanan and Hera also had a daughter name Dawn. Eight years After the Battle of Endor, Rebel alliance was formed into New Republic and moved to the form...