Chapter 16 Mission to Honoghr

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Millennium Falcon

The group is entertain themselves on the ship while on there way to Honoghr.

"While we on there way to Honoghr, we should do something before we arrive." Han said.

"Anyone wanna play Dejarik?" Ezra asked.

Chewbacca roar softly.

"Alright, lets play Chewie." Ezra said as Han approached him.

"You might let Chewie win, because it's not wise to upset a Wookie." Han stated.

"What makes you think that? Nobody upsets a person or a droid." Ezra asked.

"Droids don't pull peoples arms out of there sockets when they lose, Wookies are know to do that." Han answered.

"I see your point Han, I'll let Chewie win." Ezra said.

"Thanks Ezra." Han said with a smile as he heads back to the co pit and Ezra and Chewie sat down and begin a game of Dejarik.


Ezra and Chewbacca are almost finished the game and Chewie defeated Ezra's last piece.

Chewbacca roars happily.

"You beat me Chewie, very good." Ezra said.

"Glad you let him win Ezra." Luke said.

"Thank you Luke." Ezra said as the group hears a beeping.

"Were arriving on Honoghr, head to the co pit." Han said in comms.

The trio are heading to the co pit.

Space Honoghr

Millennium Falcon

The Falcon jumped out of hyperspace and the trio see's a star destroyer.

"We got a star destroyer incoming." Han warned.

"We gotta get to the surface, take us down." Leia ordered as Han flew the ship heading to the surface.

"We got ties incoming, Ezra get to the top gun." Han order.

"I'm on it Han." Ezra said as he headed to the top gun.

"Hang on." Han said as the Falcon flew past the tie fighters and made it to the surface.



The Falcon enters the atmosphere and land at the landing zone.

"Alright, Luke and I will find the shuttles, Han, you, Chewie and Ezra hold those tie fighters off, once we found the shuttles we'll signal you." Leia briefed.

"You got it Leia, and be careful." Han warned.

"Don't I always?" Leia smirked as she and her brother exit the Falcon.

The Falcon takes off and holds the tie fighters off.

Luke and Leia traveled through the canyons and climbs it.

The siblings made it to the top and see's imperial forces.

"Looks like we found them." Luke stated as his sister takes out her binoculars and scan the area.

"Ok lets see, three Shuttles, nine Stormtroopers, one officer, and twenty-four Noghri's." Leia said.

"Alright, signal Han." Luke said as Leia turns on her comlink contact her husband.

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