Previously on chapter 6: Preparing for battle
"This is General Luke Skywalker, we made it to the surface." Luke says.
"Roger that General, we'll take care the rest of the imperial fleet, good luck down there, and may the force be with you." Ackbar says.
And Now
New Alderaan
Yavin runner II and the remaining transports have landed on the surface and deploy ground forces.
"We have landed, prepare for battle" Ezra ordered.
"Right away General Bridger." New Republic soldier says as he deploy 2 squadrons of T2-B, (5 each per squadron) 3 T4-B squadrons (3 each per squadron) 9 V-wing air speeders, 100 new republic troops, 30 new republic rocket Troops, and 10 new republic marksman with sniper rifles.
As the New Republic forces begin to march to the base that has been attacked, they were ambushed by 4 AT-ST's and 10 stormtroopers.
"INCOMMING!" Kanan Yelled and took out the stormtroopers as the T4-B's fire missiles at the walkers and blow them up.
"Great work guys, lets keep moving." Luke says.
"Yes sir, General Skywalker." New Republic soldier says as they continue heading to the base.
As they continue marching to the base, X2 approached Ezra and Kanan.
"So Ezra and Kanan, how's your family doing?" X2 question.
"Oh Sabine and Mira are fine, Mira's been using the force pretty well, Master Skywalker and I trained her." Ezra answered.
"The same thing with me and Dawn," Kanan replied.
"Well thats good, I can see why your daughters learn pretty well." X2 says.
"Thank you." they say in unison.
They made it to the base and X2 use binoculars to scout the base.
"Hmmmm...lets see, 4 AT-AT's, and 4 AT-ST's guarding the gate, we need a plan to get in to the base." X2 says.
"Ok here's the plan: X2, and Kanan you lead the ground forces, Ezra and I will take the cave, the map shows that the cave will take us to the base." Luke order as he and Ezra headed to the cave.
"Alright, you heard the General, lets move." Kanan ordered as they continue marching to the base.
Ezra and Luke enter the cave and activate there Lightsabers to see in the dark.
"Do you know who's leading the imperial attack on the ground?" Ezra question.
"I'm not sure Ezra, were about to find out." Luke answered as they continue heading to the base.
Kanan and X2 made it to the base but to stay clear from the walkers.
"The AT-AT's are gonna be a problem." Kanan says.
"Don't worry I got this." X2 says as he comm the V-wing squadron.
"V-Wing's, focus your attack on the walkers, aim for there necks." X2 ordered.
"Sir yes sir!" The Pilot says as the V-Wings head towards the walker and fire seeker missiles at them right at there necks.
The AT-AT walkers got blown up as T2-B and T4-B's and rocket troopers firing on the AT-ST's.

Rebels Jedi Academy
FanficEzra and Sabine got married, Kanan and Hera got married, Ezra and Sabine had a daughter name Mira, Kanan and Hera also had a daughter name Dawn. Eight years After the Battle of Endor, Rebel alliance was formed into New Republic and moved to the form...