Yavin 4
Massassi Temple: Jedi Academy
Ezra and his daughter Mira enter the cafeteria as Kanan and his daughter Dawn arrive at the same time as them.
"Ezra, Mira, how's class doing?" Kanan asked.
"It went well." Ezra answered.
"Very good, I did well teach my students at the class as well." Kanan said.
"Very good, alright then, lets get something to eat, I'm hungry." Ezra said as the trio get some lunch.
As the trio sit at the table, they tell each other about there missions and there day.
"So Dawn, how's your class?" Mira asked.
"It's good, I pass my teachings that daddy and Luke taught me to the students." Dawn answered.
"That's great Dawn, good work." Mira smiled.
After they finished there lunch, they got a call from Luke.
"What is it Luke?" Ezra asked.
"I'm calling you and your wife to the briefing room, this is important." Luke answered.
"Understood, Sabine and I will meet you there, Ezra out." Ezra said as he end the call.
Ezra and Mira enter the ship as Ezra calls his wife.
"Sabine, Master Luke contacted me, he says he needs me and you at the briefing room." Ezra said.
"Alright Ezra, I'll be right there." Sabine says.
Briefing room
Ezra, Mira, Sabine, and Chopper approached the door to the briefing room.
"Watch over our daughter, Chopper." Sabine ordered.
Chopper beeped.
Ezra and Sabine enter the briefing room where they meet with Luke and the New Republic Generals.
"Ezra, Sabine, glad you could make it." Luke said.
"You wish to see us, Luke?" Ezra asked.
"Yes, now you all wondering why I have summoned you here." Luke answered.
"Sabine, remember what you told me about the dark saber and the black kyber crystals?" Luke asked
Sabine nodded.
"Well my scouts have finished scouting on Ilum for the black kyber crystals, and we found them, at the same location that Ezra and Kanan found some crystals." Luke said.
"That's why I'm sending you, your husband, and your daughter to search for them." Luke said.
"I don't know if we can bring our daughter with us." Ezra said in worried.
"And finding the black kyber crystals is impossible for a Jedi." Sabine stated.
"Don't worry, I sent a Jedi that is very good searched for kyber crystals to help you searched for them, wait for him at the hangar before you start your mission, and don't worry he will look after your daughter, there's two locations on Ilum for black crystals." Luke said.
"Alright, thanks Master Skywalker." Sabine thanked him.
"Your welcome, good luck." Luke said as the married couple exit the briefing room.
Hangar Bay
Ezra, Sabine, and Mira waited at the hangar bay for the Jedi to arrived as Sabine turn her head to her husband.
"So who's the JedI that Luke talk about?" Sabine asked.
"I guess will find out when he's here." Ezra answered as they saw Hera approached them.
"Hera, what is it?" Ezra asked.
"General Skywalker told me to introduce you to the JedI that is arriving." Hera answered.
"Ok." Sabine said in confused.
The trio saw the CT-900 freighter landed in the hangar bay and the ships hatch open reveal three people have the same hair color: brown a young man with a lightsaber, a second man with a beard, a woman with a pony tail, and an old B1 battle droid.
"You must be the Jedi that Master Skywalker told us about." Sabine said.
"That's right." Young man said.
"Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Mira Wren-Bridger, meet the Freemakers, Rowan, Zander, Kordi, and there battle droid: RO-GR, you can call him "Roger", they were part of the Rebellion before the Battle of Endor." Hera introduce.
"Nice to meet you guys." Ezra greeted.
"Nice to meet you too, Ezra." Rowan said.
"Did Luke tell you everything bout the mission we were assigned on?" Sabine asked.
"Yes, he did." Rowan answered.
"Is that a battle droid from the clone wars?" Mira asked in nervous.
"Yes, it's ok Mira, they reprogram Roger to help them and be part of there family, he won't hurt us." Hera answered.
"Oh ok." Mira smile in relieve.
"Now then, lets go, we got a mission to do." Ezra said.
"We'll take the StarScavenger." Zander says as the group enter the StarScavenger.
"Good luck with your Mission Guys." Hera said.
"We'll be careful Nana Hera." Mira said as the StarScavenger's hatch closed.
The StarScavenger
The Trio have enter the ship.
"I'm guessing these are the people we have to work with?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Kordi answered.
"Bridgers, this is my girlfriend: Becky Smoochenbacher." Zander introduce.
"Nice too meet you." Sabine greeted and they shook hands
"Nice too meet you too." Becky greeted back and broke the shaking and headed to the co pit.
The StarScavenger take off and exit the Hangar and exit the moon's atmosphere.
"Roger, set a course for Ilum." Rowan ordered.
"Roger roger, setting course for Ilum, making the jump to light speed in 3, 2, 1." Roger says and the StarScavenger enter Hyperspace.
Let me introduce you to the free makers, they're from Lego Star Wars the Freemaker Adventures, a TV show.
And for the information about the freemakers, here I'll show you.
Rowan Freemaker
Born: 9 BBY
Hair color: Brown
Age: 22
Zander Freemaker
Born: 14 BBY
Hair Color: Brown
Age: 27
Kordi Freemaker
Born: Between 14 and 9 BBY
Hair Color: Brown
Age: Between 22 and 27
That's the information about the Freemakers.
Next Chapter: Black Kyber Crystals.

Rebels Jedi Academy
FanfictionEzra and Sabine got married, Kanan and Hera got married, Ezra and Sabine had a daughter name Mira, Kanan and Hera also had a daughter name Dawn. Eight years After the Battle of Endor, Rebel alliance was formed into New Republic and moved to the form...