x. the truth of florence carter

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ten. the truth of florence carter

IT WAS THE MORNING OF CHRISTMAS EVE and Florence and the turtles were all in the kitchen, rambling away about each other's Christmas presents. Florence and Mikey were laying out the freshly baked cookies and milk while Raph boasted about his presents.

"I'm pretty sure I win best presents for everyone," he humphed with a prideful smile as he put milk in a cup. 

"No way," scoffed Leo. "I managed to get the things that everyone wanted!" 

He scooped a few cookies and placed them in a stack on his paper plate before reaching over the table for the milk. 

"You are all incorrect," chuckled Donnie with a finger in the air. "Florence and I both went on a present search together online and bought things that we know all of you will like. It took us three days to decide!" 

Everyone spun around and eyed Florence who pursed her lips to suppress her smile.

 "Well," she sang, "I did help a bit." 

Raph groaned and crossed an arm over his chest with a bitter look on his face, "Now we know who won best gifts." 

"Cheer up you overgrown weasel," laughed Florence as she took her seat across from Donnie and between to Raph and Leo. "It's Christmas Eve! Now, be careful with the snickerdoodles; they're still pretty hot." 

"Flo made the batter! She said it's a secret recipe," claimed Mikey as he bit into the cookie. His look of despair for the recipe quickly turned into a look of complete euphoria as he munched on the cookie. "Dudes, I think I reached enlightenment." 

Everyone was quick to take a bite out of their own cookies and not soon after, everyone had the same look on their faces but Florence who giggled shyly at their reactions.

"These are so awesome," groaned Leo as he took another bite of the warm, cinnamon cookie that melted in his mouth. 

Raph said nothing, only nodding his head up and down as he reached for more. Florence blushed at their reactions but it was Donnie who made her heart stop. 

"They're perfect," he said just as he looked up and locked eyes with her. 

For a moment, the two held the gaze before looking down to their plates; blushes on both of their cheeks. 

Everyone ate contently with a few pieces of cookies flying around thanks to Mikey who was trying to hit Raph's forehead. 

Other than that, Florence felt as if she was at home. She looked around the table as she sipped onto her milk, a smile on her face the entire time. Raph was chewing on his cookie while glaring and shaking his fist at Mikey who was laughing at the milk mustache on Leo's upper lip. Donnie had crumbs on the bridge of his nose, something that caused Florence to reach across the table and wipe with a laugh.

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