xv. unknown to you

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fifteen. unknown to you


The woman before Florence used to be Simone Carter, but by the pale white eyes, Florence knew that this was not the smiling woman that her father had married. She could tell by the way Simone's head would snap to the side and her fingers would twitch; as if the woman was nothing but an animal in a human's body. 

The burn marks on her mother's temples were raw, crusted with blood and scabs. 

Shredder watched carefully, his cold eyes calculating as the woman walked forward and held Florence's gaze. 

Florence's face scrunched into a sob as she watched what would have been her mother. The woman did nothing when she heard Shredder's voice behind her, only watching with her white-coated eyes as a tear slipped down Florence's cheek.

Simone was curious but did nothing to show sympathy. 

"Simone was our first subject," boasted the man who hid behind his mask. "It was satisfying, to say when we found her alive in your father's old apartment. She was brought here and was the first of our many failed trials to have survived the continuation of the Solario Project. The Kraang tried their best with the modified mutagen." 

Florence glanced at Shredder in horror. She wanted to scream, cry, cuss him out for the torture that she put Simone through yet she kept silent. Shredder was monologuing and if he had anything important to say, she knew she needed to hear him and report back to the turtles when she got out.

If she ever got out. 

"Simone here can be," he paused in search of a word, "...persuasive. Modified mutagen and a bit of electricity have reformed her mind. It's the start of a master race. And with your formula, it will be perfect."

"You monster," breathed Florence, shaking her head.  

Her yellow gaze slowly went back to Simone who's head twitched, her eyes swiftly blinking. Florence choked down the sob in her throat and looked to Shredder who nodded at Tigerclaw. 

The tiger smirked and reached down to the belt around his waist and pulled out a baton. He pressed a button and caused the entire thing to extend with a crack before fizzing and snapping as the electricity coursed through it. 

Florence cried out when the tip of the stun stick made contact with Simone's shoulder, earning an animalistic bellow from the woman. She staggered away, her back hunched in pain as she trembled with the electricity coursing through her body. 

the ripple effect - tmnt (1) [edited ✔]Where stories live. Discover now