The bride of Enderlox

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This is a story simliar to the story Bride of Discord,I got inspried by it and made a one about Enderlox being Discord but read this story and see who his bride will be.And in this universe Seto never got kicked out of teamcrafted and it stayed the same.

Sky's POV

It was an ordinary day,nothing special Jerome was swinging in the trees with Mitch while Quitin was relaxing in the pond mear the Sky army base.Sky was sitting in the moors behind the base with his friend Jason.

They got together after Ty made a deal with Herobrine to save his friends,but the cost was high he forever forget his friends and became Enderlox.

Sky griefed and true love and best friend since Enderlox broke Skys heart by betraying him and his own army.

Suddenly a large purple strom was stirring in the sky,Sky yeilded his Budder sword.Everyone quickly went to the base,forgetting what they were doing and Kermit,Cave and preston went and warned the townspeople.The clouds began to spit fireballs at them,the teamcrafted members came back panting.

"What's that"asked Ian,"It's your mom"joked Mitch,Jerome burst out laughing and Ian rolled his eyes"Really?"

Said Ian.Mitch and Jerome stopped laughing when a fireball almost hit them."You okay?"asked Jason,they nodded panting.

Sky exchanged glances with the other members.

"Is it a threat?"asked Seto."I'm not sure,but it is throwing Fireballs at us"screamed Sky as he quickly dogded a fireball.

The members dodged and dodged the fireballs,until a enderdragon hybrid appreaed from it.It was half human half enderdragon,he was wearing a white t shirt with grey pants

Ty?!"Said Everyone exept for seto who said"Enderlox"grimmly."What are you doing here?"asked Husky."Don't you remember me,I'm Enderlox and I have a deal with you peasents"mocked Enderlox.

I exchanged glances with everyone,their faces were horrifed and shocked.But Seto's face was gulity and he looked like he's hiding a secret.

What are you hiding Seto old chum?

The strom began to rise and suddenly a thousands of thousands mobs spawned."what it's not even night"said Sky.

Everyone swinged at the approaching mobs killing them with 2 or 3 swings,Mitch was doing the best with Jerome,Seto was casting magic spells at them and Sky swinged furisously at a nearby wither."Having fun?"asked Enderlox as he is flying in the air without a care with his big Enderdragon wings.

"Stahp!"shouted Sky,then the mobs were all killed instanly.

"What's"panted Mitch,"This deal is a simple switch a roo"said Enderlox."All you have to do is well give me your land here and A Bride"said Enderlox."A bride.....really"teased Jerome,Sky and the others laughed exept for Seto."If we do this what will we get?"asked Seto clamly,"Uhh..I won't hurt you or anyone"said Enderlox.As he smirked around looking at us.

We all fell sleint.

"Then who do you vant?"asked Jerome.

"Depends,which one of you want to be with me"asked Enderlox.

Everybody huddled,"Ummm okay....Let's start with Husky"said Sky.What? is this it because I'm a fish?"sneered Husky."Fffissssh"taunted Sky,"No"said Husky,"I don't want to be with him he he has scales and a black wing"stutteered Husky.

After a few moment everybody disagreed And I hesistanted,I thought for a while

We were dating(Skylox) before Ty became Enderlox.

"No My Recuits need me"said Sky confindenalty.Everyone was shocked and Ian did 'Oh hell you did'nt face.

"All right then we have to surround the town with walls to protect from Enderlox"commanded Sky,"Sky Really? we're not going to do that because Enderlox is not a Titan and Mobs will spawn anywhere that it dark"said Seto.The others nodded,(Attack on Titan theme song in the background).

"Then....."Sky was interruped by Mitch,"I have an idea we should ask the villagers and our friends"said Mitch,"Like we should ask them if they want to be Tys I mean Enderloxs bride"said Mitch."Worth a shot"said Jason as he dashed off.

"Okay,Jason......JASON come back here"said Sky,Jason came back holding a porkchop(No jeferry)."Okay Jason you and me go to the westren kingdom,that's where Bodil,Nooch,Preston,Noah,Brice are".Jason blushed knowing Sky and him will be together."Mitch and Fluffy go to the Northern Kingdom and get Woofles,Caveman,Double,Seth and Bash are K?"said Sky."Ian and Husky go to the Eastren kingdom and get Aviator,Slamacow,Tyler(Logdozip)."Wow this is dramatic,so Lezz go!"dashed off Sky and the others.Seto watched them leave and did something no one expected going into Enderlox's Mansion.(Formly known as Herobrine's Mansion,but Enderlox caged him and lived in His mansion).

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