Chapter 11

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Ian's POV

I yawn,I opened my droopy eyelids.I stand up yawning once more."Um Quitein?"asked Ian.Ian looked around glancing outside.Outside was cold as a gust of wind pushed forward.Until a figure came with a twisted smile coming in Ian direction.I widened my eyes and as quickly as a creeper explosion ,I close shut the door."Is anybody still here?"asked the unknown shape.Ian opened the door but as the figure entered Ian half shit the door.Making Quitein fall on the fall."Nice try"said Ian cheekly.Ian went to the feesh's side and rubbed his cheek with Quintein."If you mess with the Ssundee you get the glasses"said Ian.Quitein adjusted,rubbing his back,both of the boys got their stuff.

And headed out.

"C'mon lets go!"said Ian,"Hey is your ankle better"asked Quiten.Ian turned around and sat down feeling his ankle.Ian was shocked,"Is it okay,or not"asked Quitein."No its completely healed"said Ian."okay thats weird"said Quitein.

Sky's POV





"Jason I'm bored!"

"Then do you want to you know try that flying again?"smirked Jason.

"No thank you my good,Sir buttsagginton needs no flying!.Buttsagginton needs no one"


The two "freinds" were very close to the. Kingdom.But both of them and the other four knew that."What if No one wants to be the bride?".They all knew well that Enderlox wasn't a hot model or something,not even fangirls can like him.

'Jason has been acting weird lately,he doesn't seem you know Jason,he seems gloomy.'thought Sky.

'What if no one from all the kingdoms choose to be the bride?!".Sky started Freaking out,his teeth chattering and his face sweating.

"Oh No,that will be a rein of Enderlox!"exclaimed Sky,"Sky calm down we're already close to the Kingdom"said Jason with worry.

Jason stopped Sky,and stared at him straight in the eyes."Sky,why are you so worried?"asked Jason.Sky hesistated,trying to think of a good comeback.But nothing came to him.Sky sighed,letting the answers pour out of his mouth.He realized that once the words were out,he couldn't put them back in and almost instantly he extremely regretted it.

The forest was filled with silence,no birds singing,no cows mooing,and no sounds or voices came at all.It was like a ghost town,no voices heard like it was forgotten like old memories.

A shape ran out of the woods,he was wearing a spacesuit and a few moments later another human appeared but with grey clothes and cool guy sunglasses.From a child's eye it would look like they're playing Tag,but if you look closely the first runner was crying away.While the other chased after him clearly having guilt in his eyes.

Jason's POV

He said it,he fucking said it!

He doesn't see me,he doesn't care about me all he really wants is that stupid deadlox.Why can't he see that I'll be there for him,always until the day of my furneral.Im such coward running away like that. I don't always run away from my feeling but....but I couldn't deal with it.

Suddenly a hand pulled me,I clench my hand."Get away from me!"cries Jason.Jason looked at him,as tearing spill from his eyes to his cheecks." Be calm,be calm"said Sky."You're not that kind of person to outburst ya know''said Sky.

"Jason,I'm sorry what i said was stupid and crap,I know what I said was wrong,do you forgive me?"asked Sky.Jason hugged Sky,crying into his shoulder,'I wish time would stop and I could forever be here'.

"Apology forgiven"said Jason,surprisingly Sky hugged Jason harder.Jason felt tears coming down his spacesuit.Jason knew that this was now or never,Jason separated from the hug,half regretting the peaceful moment but Jason knew that he would have much more if he told him the truth."Whats wrong jason?"asked Sky," you"stuttered Jason,Sky smiled."That would explain alot"giggled Sky.Jason giggled but was Sky accepting or did he take it as a joke?.


The sound of a twig snap was heard


The sound of a person jumped from a tree was heard.

Sorry for the wait.

But here ya go.


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